



Teresa Duarte


Development Partnership

AEIPS - Associação Estudo e Integração Psicossocial


The goal of the Nautilus project is to add to the supported employment model for integration of disadvantaged persons into the open labour markets components (products) that foster its sustainability and contribution by the economic activities to a broader exercise of social responsibility that is more consistent and long-lasting.


In addition to expanding the foundation of the supported employment model, namely in using personal marketing by disadvantaged persons, Nautilus has applied and developed a study (pioneer) regarding the cost/benefit ratio of integrating disadvanted persons at companies (and other employers). It also created a practical tool that will alow Human Resources Departments to easily apply the supported employment model.


Supported Employment Cost/Benfit Study Report Management of Human Resources for Diversity Toolkit Diversity, Social Marketing and Integration into Companies Training Dossier Personal Marketing Training Dossier Good Practices for Increasing Diversity in Companies


Better knowledge of the supported employment model and its connection with issues related to management of the diversity and social responsibility of organisations. The products were well received by the various incorporators (companies, organisations, integration staff and employment applicants), who have expressed an interest in using it at their organisations.