
01/01/2005 - 01/01/2008


Jan de Koning



Development Partnership

REA College Nederland


When you are excluded from the labour market for a longer time, for whatever reason, your chances of finding a job again are drastically reduced. Re-ntegration therefore is a chronical issue. How can we find a way out? REQUEST looks for answers in which 'Empowerment plays a central role.


The REQUEST project focused on an empowerment stimulating or reinforcing environment. The aim was to develop approaching strategies, enabling clients to increase their capacity to manage their re-integrating process and to take their own responsibilities. The empowering environment is directly reflected in the quality of interaction between professional and client, as well as in the degree to which an organisation enables the professional to act in an empowering way. In a previous project (VrijBaan) individual empowerment was the central theme. The REQUEST project uses the same concepts of individual empowerment as developed during the VrijBaan project.


Tools: - An instrument to assess individual empowerment profile. - Empowerment Training Modules - The REQUEST Quick Scan method - Empowering Development modules Publications - Empowerment, Empowering environment - Hand book for empowering strategies


Over 250 coaches trained as 'Empowerment trainers'. 6 organisations implementing the Empowerment Method. 5 organisations completed the Quick scan and trained in empowering strategies.