Without Borders Pedagogical Kit - Receiving and Integrating Immigrants in Rural Areas




Joaquim Amado


Development Partnership

Terras Dentro - Associação para o Desenvolvimento Integrado


-The arrival of a large number of foreigners (mostly from Eastern Europe) in Portugal in general and in the Alentejo region in particular, without there being any support and welcoming mechanisms. -Lack of knowledge of the Portuguese language, an essential part of integration for these foreigners. -Difficulties faced by foreigners as a result of the integration processes.


Portuguese language for foreigners training. Cultural exchanges between immigrants and native populations. Offices serving immigrants and native populations in order to respond to or give referrals regarding related questions. Awareness among technicians and entrepreneurs from institutions and the community in general regarding immigration and interculturality Mediation of conflict or barrier situations. Responses to the needs identified above: mutually provide information regarding cultural differences; provide information regarding procedures necessary for legalisation and integration of immigrants; promote interaction and intercultural dialogue; help overcome the first difficulty encountered by immigrants, namely language. Rural areas that are aging and isolated have much to gain from the arrival of new residents that encourage structured and integrated reception.


Without Borders Kit - Pedagogical Kit for Interculturality


The results and impact have been significant both in terms of usage of the products that make up the pedagogical kit and in terms of use of the kits homepage, as well as usage of materials duringregular teaching of Portuguese. The partnership believes the impact of the project to be generally positive, taking into account the number and type of beneficiaries attained (not always possible to reflect this in official records) and the potential that the materials represent in the continuity and sustainability of the subsequent activities within the scope of the same subject matter. Also considered positive is the know-how that this product has passed on to new projects and actions: design and conception of pedagogical materials, contacts with schools and other entities, the dynamics created, merit and even acquired notoriety that will allow new projects to be launched - request for collaboration in providing support for interculturality, felt among the partners involved.