Generating Social Action




Ana Farias


Development Partnership

Instituto de Apoio à Criança - Açores


-High number of young people without academic/professional skills. -Interceptive omission of the families of these youths. -Fragility of the scholastic investment. -Inexistence of training content for individuals who suffer from exclusion as regards personal and social skills. -Fragility of professionals in the approach/training and support in integrating young people. -Low degree of Social Action/Justice cooperation and cooperation in joint intervention regarding populations with promotion/protection needs and education involving the law.


-Development of the innovator methodology in relation to guidance, training and social integration of young people who are at risk into an extra-scholastic space. -Effective support to organisations and professionals in view of adequate intervention in the social reality intervened in by the G.P.S.. -Specialised intervention negotiated with the family reality of the young persons that receive intervention . -Transnational cooperation centred on studying, creating instruments, monitoring and on assessment of the intervention on the problem of young people in situations of high social exclusion.


G.P.S. Program - Program for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Young People with Socially Deveiant Behaviour.


-Promotion of training for 40 young people, with support in labour market integration. -Network intervention with public and private organisations in view of assisting young people in dealing with their social reality and grave social exclusion - Creation of an inter-organisational structure for training young people (Ponta Delgada-Espaço Perkursos). -ITER European Cooperation Network with organisations from Spain, Belgium and Portugal for intervention in the problems experienced by young people. -Creation/dissemination of the G.P.S. Program