F@DO - Guided Open and Distance Training




Margarida Segard


Development Partnership

ISQ - Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade


•Promote flexible learning contexts based on b.learning and networking, promoting social integration of young people and/or adults at risk for exclusion. •Activate learning networks based on local networks and use of infrastructures that include learning call centres that seek to provide personalised follow-up of trainees. •Mobilise companies to participate in local human resource qualification/re-qualification processes


* Implement Flexible FAD Models using ICT adapted to disadvantaged persons *Foster use of ICT through development of professional skills among training personnel, capable of motivating/guiding disadvantaged persons in lifelong use of new learning platforms in lifewide contexts, namely FAD initiatives. * Maximise the training activities of national centres of excellence, training entities and local learning centres in terms of use of flexible FAD methodologies/content with target groups, promoting dissemination of good practices and performance benchmarking in Portugal and the rest of Europe. * Improve the skills of individuals who are excluded from information technology, in terms of capacity of learning to learn and usage of ICT.


•Local networking methodology, 2 b-learning vocational courses ICT modules, Citizenship, TPEs and BComp with technical aspects: Gas and Warehouse Management 1 b-Learning Course in Tutor Training. * The subject matter may change as per agreement between the training entity and local companies.


Disadvantaged persons: •Acquisition of professional skills in ICT and self-learning. •Certification of skills. - Integration with local natural networks (mutual aid/technical-professional integration) •Improvement in qualification/employability indices. Instructors (and training entities): •Acquisition of new skills via e-training •Access to RTPs with FAD Companies: •Creation of synergies with local orgaisations. •Access to Distance Training mechanisms