EQUAL in Austria

Managing Authority

Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentschutz
Abteilung VI/9
Stubenring 1
A - 1010 Vienna
link www.esf.at

Community Initiative Programme (CIP)

CIP de


Type of document




MTE Update

Begleitende Evaluierung der Gemeinschaftsinitiative, EQUAL Österreich 2000 – 2006

[AT - Update.pdf]



Thematic Report

Mainstreaming unter der Lupe
Bedingungsfaktoren für nachhaltige arbeitsmarktpolitische Innovationen durch EQUAL
Endbericht an das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

[AT Mainstreaming 2008]



Practical examples

en AT - Laying New Tracks for the Vocational Integration and Career advancement of Immigrants
en AT - Changing perceptions of immigration: from threat to opportunity
en AT - Changing perceptions of immigration: from threat to opportunity - short version
en AT - Living & Working together - Regional development and the integration of minorities in upper Austria
en AT - Tele-Learning: preparing prisoners for a new life outside
en AT - Tele-Learning: preparing prisoners for a new life outside - short version
en AT - Tele-learning in prisons - Improving access to work for (ex-) offenders
en AT - Going to work on waste
en AT - Austrian NTN: There is More to Skills than Meets the Eye
en AT - Keep Moving in Austria, but Mind the Gap
en AT - Against all odds
en AT - Dismantling the root causes of the Gender pay gap
en AT - Gender goes mainstream
en AT - Gender goes mainstream
en AT - Young asylum seekers pave the way for others - to the top!
en AT - Developing a secure integration chain (Styria Integra)