
The 10 year action plan is on the agenda of the 9th Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty

people sitting outside © European Commission

The 10 Year Action Plan on how eliminate poverty in the EU will be on the agenda of the 9th Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty.

The 9th Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty will be held in Brussels on the 25 and 26 June. The Meeting is co-organised by the European Commission, the Spanish EU Presidency and the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN).
Delegations representing primarily people experiencing poverty, representatives from national governments, EU institutions, poverty NGOs and social issues interest groups as well as policy makers will discuss the fight against poverty and social exclusion in the EU.

The Meetings, which have been held since 2001, aim to give people experiencing poverty the opportunity to discuss policy directly with decision makers. This year’s meeting will focus on setting the priorities and agenda for a 10 Year Action Plan to eliminate poverty across the EU. 

The main points for discussion are:

  • Financial inclusion
  • Housing
  • The provision of services
  • Participation in society
  • Employment

This year’s meeting is of particular significance as 2010 is the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.  For the first time the meeting will be organised at the European Parliament (first day) and within the premises of the European Commission (second day).