Logo un labumi


  • Online Logo - 190*220 px


To download the logo, please right click on the button on the banner and select "Save as ..." in the menu.

If you can not host the material, just copy and paste the code below the button or the banner and insert it in your html code.

© European Union, 1995-2010 Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, save where otherwise stated. Where prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information (sound, images, software, etc.), such permission shall cancel the above-mentioned general permission and shall clearly indicate any restrictions on use.
Online Banner 'Button' - 150*56px 

Code html : 




  • Online Posters

EY_2010_posters_EU_A2_EN-091207-1 EY_2010_posters_EU_A2_EN-091207-2 EY_2010_posters_EU_A2_EN-091207-3 EY_2010_posters_EU_A2_EN-091207-4 EY_2010_posters_EU_A2_EN-091207-4 icone_poster_journalistes_LV.jpg









  • Online Buttons

  Online Banner 'Button' - 150*56px 

Code html : 

ey2010-banner_lv.jpg Button_ART_en.jpg
Code html : 
Code html : 




  • Online Flash Banners

Code html :   
Code html :   
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