Pasākumu kalendārs

"INVISIBLE WOUNDS - Dignity and Vulnerability : migrants homeless integration through active participation and inclusive solidarity"

From 24/02 to 26/02

More than 15 organisations of the Greece, co-working with Organisations of 10 other EU countries, are preparing this event. We will welcome, from divers EU countries 120 (max 150) participants who will co-working in plenary sessions and in workshops sessions, exhibitions, posters sessions about this 4th themes:

  • Human rights and respect for the dignity of migrants
  • Health and Mental Health : invisible wounds as a consequence of traumatic experiences, present difficulties and humiliations and absence of hope for the future
  • Participation and employment : migrants as a resource for building society and insuring sustainable development
  • Integration home & community : no social cohesion and new multi-ethnic community without respect for diversity; invisible wounds as consequence of pressure for assimilation.

Organised by: SMES-Europa