
European Commission Digital

CEF eSignature: Webinar on TL Management

Thomas Fillis | 14 December 2016

On 16 November 2016, the European Commission organised a webinar to provide an update of the Trusted List Manager of the CEF eSignature building block and an overview of its new functionalities.

During the webinar, experts from the European Commission presented the upcoming new release of the Trusted List (TL) Manager (v.5.1). Presentations also included an updated approach concerning transitional periods and changes to Trusted Lists, "do's-and-don'ts" of Trusted List Management and an introduction to the Pivot LOTL (List of Trusted Lists) concept.

The CEF eSignature building block helps public administrations and businesses to accelerate the creation and verification of electronic signatures. The deployment of solutions based on CEF eSignature in a Member State facilitates the mutual recognition and cross-border interoperability of eSignatures. This means that public administrations and businesses can trust and use eSignatures that are valid and structured in EU-interoperable formats. The CEF eSignature building block consists of advisory services managed by the European Commission. The solution is based primarily on the following services:

The Digital Signature Services (DSS) software library for the creation and validation of e-signatures;

Trusted List Manager, which enables the creation, editing and maintenance of a Trusted List in a standard, machine-readable format;

The main purpose of Trusted List Manager is to align the TL Manager with the eIDAS Regulation on trust services. In addition to this, v.5.1 includes improvements to the Trusted List notification (e.g. electronic form) as well as Trusted List Browsing and monitoring.

Experts from the European Commission noted difficulties in using the Official Journal of the European Union to publish machine-readable changes to the LOTL administrative anchors.  Therefore, since 16 June 2016, the LOTL now contains an EU PTOTSL, announcing the List of Trusted List signing certificates, and the XML location and a URI, pointing to the last issued Official Journal publication.

For further information:

Visit CEF Digital 2018:

TLSO eIDAS Transition FAQ:!RF87uf

Notify a change:!Vp83PK

TLSO support:!wu63kK

Manage a trusted list (TLManager, ETSI TLCC):!wu63kK

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