
European Commission Digital

CEF Digital 2018 at DIGITEC 2016: Digital Future

Opening session, DIGITEC 2016: Digital Future

On 29 November, DIGITEC 2016: Digital Future attracted more than 850 people from the EU institutions for a day of inspiring discussions. 36 speakers debated on the workplace of the future, digital democracy and technologies of the future.

The European Commission and European Parliament presented a number of digital services, including one booth entitled "Reusable Components", including the CEF building blocks.

The CEF building blocks offer basic reusable capabilities available for any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders. Reusable Components allow solution architects, developers and managers of development teams to avoid starting the construction of their Information Systems from scratch, cutting development costs and improving time to market of their planned solutions.

The informatics departments of the European Commission (DIGIT) and the European Parliament (ITEC) served as co-organisers of DIGITEC 2016: Digital Future, with attendees coming from across the EU Institutions.Opening session, DIGITEC 2016: Digital Future

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Visitors at the Reusable components stand, 2016                DIGITEC 2016 confernece venue

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