
European Commission Digital

New and extended CEF eDelivery Self-assessment Tool

Britt Joosten | 14 December 2016

We are happy to announce that the new and extended version of the CEF eDelivery self-assessment tool is now available on the CEF Digital 2018 website.

The CEF eDelivery self-assessment tool is an important first step for your project to discover and reuse CEF eDelivery. By completing the survey and assigning scores to your relevant requirements, your requirements will be assessed and mapped to our CEF eDelivery Service Offering. As a result, the tool indicates what goals and potential value you can achieve by re-using eDelivery, and furthermore, which services of the CEF eDelivery Service Offering will be your key enablers to do so.

CEF eDelivery helps public administrations and businesses (indirectly citizens) to set-up and participate in Message Exchange Infrastructures, which facilitate the exchange of electronic data and documents in a reliable and trusted way. This help comes in the form of grants and the CEF eDelivery Service Offering. Next to the specifications and sample software, the CEF eDelivery Service Offering includes testing services, training, deployment support, a helpdesk and onboarding services.

By defining the business requirements for your Message Exchange Infrastructure, the CEF eDelivery self-assessment tool helps you to understand how the CEF eDelivery services can help you deliver your project faster and at a lower cost.

What’s new? Increasing the interoperability, security, scalability, performance and legal assurance of your Message Exchange Infrastructure. The business requirements for Message Exchange Infrastructures can be grouped into four goals. These goals provide the motivation for the re-use of CEF eDelivery.

Interoperability: CEF eDelivery implements standardised message exchange protocols to enable the exchange of data and documents between information systems that were developed independently form each other.         

Security: CEF eDelivery implements security controls to ascertain that your messages cannot be modified (integrity) or intercepted (confidentiality) during the exchange and that the origin and destination of the data and documents are trustworthy.      

Scalability and performance: CEF eDelivery can easily be extended to add new nodes to the message exchange network. It allows to exchanging an unlimited number of data files and documents and can handle varying messaging loads throughout the hour, day, etc.               

Legal assurance and accountability: CEF eDelivery provides guarantee that data and documents are delivered once and only once (retries, receipts, duplicate elimination) and are delivered even if sent to temporarily unavailable channels (store and forward). In addition, eDelivery ascertains the non-repudiation of receipt and/or origin of every exchange through signature.    

The new and extended version of the CEF eDelivery self-assessment tool not only allows you to define the business requirements for your Message Exchange Infrastructure, but also provides the option to score the performance of your current messaging infrastructure (if you have one) against these requirements. As a result, you will be able to compare the performance of your current Message Exchange Infrastructure against the goals above and their relative importance to your business. Subsequently, you will be able to identify the gaps and discover the value CEF eDelivery can bring in solving these gaps across all four goals.


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