
European Commission Digital

eIDAS Technical Specifications v. 1.1

Endorsement of eIDAS Technical Specifications v. 1.1 under Regulation (EU) 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market.

The CEF eID team is pleased to announce the endorsement of the updated version of technical specifications for the eIDAS interoperability framework (v. 1.1) by Opinion No. 2/2016 of the Cooperation Network – a structure where Member States cooperate to achieve interoperability and security of their eID schemes – on 16 December 2016.

The adoption of technical specifications is foreseen by the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and article 12 of the implementing regulation No 2015/1501 creating the platform enabling practical connectivity between eID means from different Member States to foster interoperability.

These specifications have been developed in collaboration with the Member States’ representatives of the technical sub-committee of the eIDAS Expert Group. The Commission facilitated the discussions and supported the process notably by providing a sample implementation of the technical specifications which Member States were free to adopt as an "off the shelf" implementation.

The specifications posted here as version 1.1 represent a stable eIDAS compliant set of technical specifications which Member States can use if they are providing their own implementation. Only the eIDAS Message Format and eIDAS SAML Attribute Profile have been updated compared to the previous version 1.0 (Opinion No. 1/2016 from 26 January 2016).

These technical specifications will be subject to further development in the normal course of events and any subsequent changes will form part of the timed release management process.

The Version 1.1 of the technical specifications consists of four separate documents, each concerning a specific area. Please follow the link to download the documents.