
European Commission Digital

Trusted List Browser Now Available

The European Commission is happy to announce the launch of the CEF eSignature Trusted List Browser.

The Trusted List Browser is a web application, available online and hosted by the European Commission, enabling anyone to browse Europe's Trusted Lists (see below), and look for available trust services in Europe. Among these trust services are issuance of qualified certificates for electronic signatures (e-signatures) or seals, qualified timestamping services and so forth.

Since July 2016, trust services in Europe have been governed by the eIDAS Regulation. Under the eIDAS Regulation, to provide qualified trust services, a trust service provider receives a qualified status from a national competent authority and is placed on a national trusted list. These national trusted lists are linked through the European list of trusted lists.. All these lists can now be browsed easily with the Trusted List Browser.

Trusted List Browser has been designed to be mobile-friendly, so it is accessible from virtually any device. Furthermore, the Trusted List Browser will support the use of the EU trust mark. Trust marks can link to Trusted List Browser, allowing any user to verify quickly that a trust service is qualified. Advanced search functionality is planned for the next release of Trusted List Browser.

The newly launched Trusted List Browser complements the Trusted List (TL) Manager and DSS. TL Manager is a tool to help Member States' Trusted List Scheme Operators create and maintain their trusted lists. DSS is an open-source library that facilitates the creation and validation of e-signatures in line with the eIDAS Regulation and related standards.

E-signatures and other trust services are supported by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eSignature building block. The CEF eSignature building block helps public administrations and businesses to accelerate the creation and verification of electronic signatures. Electronic signing allows for the full digitalisation of business processes, eliminating the time and costs of printing, faxing, mailing, copying, scanning and filing in paper formats which presents many disadvantages (such as risk of loss, destruction and incompleteness or need for bulky, physical storage space etc.).

To see how CEF eSignature is Connecting Europe, visit CEF Digital 2018 now.