
European Commission Digital

CEF Digital 2018 Presented at Connecting European Chambers

European Commission, 2017

On Friday 30 June, the European Commission presented the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) building blocks at the third edition of “Connecting European Chambers”, held in the European Parliament, Brussels.

Chambers of Commerce play an important role in supporting beneficiaries submit EU-funding proposals.

The third edition of “Connecting European Chambers” illustrated a number of winning or potentially winning experiences at European level, discussed case studies with the competent services of the European Commission and to boost the exchange of experiences among participants.

To support the Digital Single Market, the CEF programme is funding a set of generic and reusable Digital Service Infrastructures (DSI), also known as building blocks. The CEF building blocks offer basic capabilities that can be reused in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders and sectors. Currently, there are five building blocks: eDelivery, eInvoicing, eID, eSignature and eTranslation.

Grant funding is available to support the uptake of the CEF building blocks. The Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA) provides all the information needed to apply.

Download the presentation:

To see how the CEF building blocks are Connecting Europe,visit CEF Digital 2018 now.