
European Commission Digital

CEF eID Presented at the Identity Management Conference in London, UK

Alice Vasilescu - European Commission at Identity Management June 2017

The Identity Management (IDM) Conference, organized by Whitehall Media, took place on 21st June 2017 at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel in London, United Kingdom.

The conference covered areas such as authentication, authorisation, access, cloud computing challenges, data governance data loss prevention, encryption techniques and enterprise mobility and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) risks.

The European Commission's Alice Vasilescu presented the Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, commonly known as the eIDAS Regulation. She noted that cross-border authentication, as a result of the eIDAS Regulation, benefits administrations, businesses and also citizens. She noted that "allowing a citizen no matter where they are in Europe to access online services will save money and time". Ms. Vasilescu also elaborated on major milestones in the area of cross-border trust services within the EU Member States, such as the pre-notification of Germany's national eID scheme to become part of the eIDAS Network. This is in addition to the five Member States which have passed Conformance Testing, with 17 foreseen by the end of 2017.