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European Commission Digital


eDelivery AS4 conformant solutions


This document explains how to read the listing of eDelivery AS4 conformant solutions. The listing provides a detailed and transparent view of available products and services that are meeting eDelivery profile specifications. This list allows you to easily identify the most up-to-date and relevant solutions for your needs.

Test date

Each solution in our listing features a test date set against a coloured background to indicate the age of the test:

  • GREEN BACKGROUND: The solution was tested within the last three years.
  • YELLOW BACKGROUND: The solution was tested between 3 and 6 years ago.
  • RED BACKGROUND: The solution was tested more than 6 years ago.

Conformance testing service

The conformance testing service is a platform that lets solution providers test their products or services to ensure they meet eDelivery's technical specifications. It verifies that solutions work correctly, as defined by eDelivery.

When a solution undergoes testing, the results and the specific version of the conformance testing service used are recorded. These results, indicating when and with what criteria the solution was tested, are publicly displayed in our listing. Information on the conformance testing service version helps users understand the level of conformance assurance they can expect from each solution.

We use the conformance testing service version, such as "2023.06", to sort solutions in our listing. For clarity, each conformance testing service version is identified with a different color.

The conformance testing service versions help maintain transparency and trust in eDelivery-conformant solutions.

Version information

Version 1.15 of the eDelivery AS4 profile specifications was released on 11 November 2020. In the listing:

  • Solutions tested with the previous conformance testing service (Minder) before 11 November 2020 are assigned conformance testing service version pre-2023.06 and profile version pre-1.15.
  • Solutions tested on or after 11 November 2020, whether with the previous conformance testing service (Minder) or the current one (Interoperability Test Bed, or ITB), are assigned the conformance testing service version 2023.06 and profile version 1.15. This reflects that since its launch in June 2023 and to date the new conformance testing service (ITB) encodes the same tests as the old one (Minder).
  • Moving forward, solutions will be assigned the exact version of the conformance testing service that was used.


Solutions are presented on two separate pages:

Within each category, solutions are first sorted by the conformance testing service version, with more recent versions higher on the list. They are then sorted alphabetically within the same conformance testing service version. This is a change from the previous listing method.


In the Conformance column, each solution is awarded badges based on its conformance:

  • Each version of the conformance testing service is represented by a specific colour (see the table at the bottom of this page).
  • A solution that passed tests within a specific conformance testing service version receives an eDelivery badge displaying that version. For example, this is the badge we give to a solution that passed tests against the conformance testing service version 2023.06:

  • Optional profile enhancements are shown as a grid of small badges under the main eDelivery badge:
    • If a badge is coloured, it indicates that the solution passed the test for that specific profile enhancement. For example, this badge indicates the solution passed tests against the Four Corner Model profile enhancement: 

    • If a badge is grey, it indicates the test was not passed, was not undertaken, or is unavailable. However, a solution can still be considered eDelivery AS4-conformant with all grey badges, as the only mandatory test is the common profile test, represented by the main coloured badge. For example, this badge means the solution has not passed tests for the Four Corner Model: 

Getting in touch

Each listing includes a button in the last column to contact technical support, learn more about the solution, or get business contacts. If you are the owner of a listed solution and wish to update your information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Profiles & profile enhancements



Conformant testing service version

Next (2024.07)

Current (2023.06)

Prior to 2023.06


Four Corner Topology

(Profile enhancement)



Dynamic Receiver

(Profile enhancement)


Dynamic Sender

(Profile enhancement)


Pull Feature

(Profile enhancement)




(Separate profile compatible with eDelivery AS4)


Solutions are tested against the ENTSOG AS4 profile v3.5

Solutions are tested against the ENTSOG AS4 profile v3.5

Solutions are tested against the ENTSOG AS4 profile v3.5

Tests for Dynamic ReceiverDynamic Sender and Pull Feature are planned to be introduced in the conformance testing service version 2024.07.

Tests for Large Message Splitting and Joining are planned to be introduced in one of the further versions of the conformance testing service.

Market guide

Market guide for AS4 solutions and services

Last updated: