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European Commission Digital

eDelivery Support

Support and Community

If you have questions or need support, contact our service desk or ask the Community. For more information on our Service Desk, please see our terms and conditions. 

eDelivery User Community lock_open 

The eDelivery User Community space enables stakeholders to share experiences and best practices on the exchange of electronic data and documents between public administrations, businesses and citizens. Pan-European projects (re)using eDelivery have their own sub-communities within this space.

eDelivery Governance lock

The eDelivery Governance space hosts the eDelivery Operational Management Board (OMB).  The OMB provides a vehicle for stakeholders to handle all operational matters of the eDelivery building block. It aims to ensure that the European Commission leads the implementation process of the building block with the advice of the Member States and to ensure that the private sector, user organisations and standardisation bodies play a role.

If you are a nominated member of the eDelivery governance group, you can request access via the eDelivery Service Desk.