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European Commission Digital


Our Services

Ready to start re-using eDelivery? 

You can build and test your own components according to the specifications of eDelivery, you can buy a product(s) that implements these specifications for you, or you can reuse the eDelivery sample software. 

Regardless of which option you choose, eDelivery offers a service package that helps you comply with European standards and technical specifications. It includes software, services, documentation and tools helping you to test, deploy and operate the building block. 

For building your own components, the technical specifications and testing services sections will be particularly relevant. For buying a product or reusing the sample software, the software sections will be most relevant.

Generic terms and conditions, that apply to all services offered by the Building Blocks, are defined in the Master Service Arrangement (MSA). Specific Service Level Arrangements (SLA) can apply to individual services. eDelivery Privacy Statement explains the way the EC is processing personal data of the users of PKI and SML services. 

Need help or want to get in touch with the team?