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Access the eSignature validation tests page


These test cases have been set up in order to help anyone testing an eSignature implementation (software providers, trust service providers, conformity assessment bodies, supervisory bodies, ...). "Fake" LOTLs, TLs, certificates and signed documents are generated automatically, and refreshed on a regular basis.

The test cases currently focus on the validation of the "qualification part" of qualified electronic signatures and seals based on trusted lists, that is excluding the specific test cases related to the validation of an advanced electronic signature or seal according to ETSI EN 319 102-1.

More information on qualified trust services.

More information on electronic signature.


The DIGITAL eSignature validation test cases tool is intended for electronic signature solution implementers to help them validate their solutions.


Qualified certificates for electronic signatures are provided by (public and private) providers which have been granted a qualified status by a national competent authority as indicated in the national 'trusted lists' of the EU Member State. Taking this into account and based on the validation algorithm guidelines [QES V-A], a list of tests cases has been identified to allow eSignature solution implementers to validate their solutions.

Useful pages

eIDAS Dashboard

eSignature Trusted List Browser

Notification Tool


Esig-validation-tests - User guide.pdf

Last updated 13 March 2019