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European Commission Digital

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As stated in Article 22(4) of the eIDAS Regulation (910/2014) and in Article 4(3,4) of the Commission Implementing Decision 2015/1505/EU, the European Commission makes available the information notified by the Member States. This information is available in an XML document called the List Of Trusted Lists (LOTL).

More information on the e-Signature legal framework can be found on this portal's What is the legislation, including details on the information notified by the Member States and referred here above (cfr. Annex II of Commission Implementing Decision 2015/1505/EU)


The DIGITAL eSignature List Of Trusted Lists service is intended for the anyone interested in the EU Trust Scheme as defined in the eIDAS Regulation (910/2014), and in particular e-signature implementers interested in handling qualified e-signatures.


The DIGITAL eSignature List Of Trusted Lists provides a reliable cornerstone to securely access all EU trusted lists.
