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Access the Trusted Lists Browser


Trusted List Browser is a tool publicly available on the internet to browse the information present in the Member States trusted lists (TLs) and in the European Commission list of trusted lists (LOTL).

The purpose of the tool is to present the information in the Member States' trusted lists (TLs) and in the European Commission's list of the trusted lists (LOTL) in a human-readable way through an intuitive interface.

More information on qualified trust services.

More information on electronic signature.


The DIGITAL eSignature Trusted List Browser service is intended for anyone interested in the information present in the Member States' trusted lists (TL) and in the European Commission's list of the trusted lists (LOTL).


The DIGITAL eSignature Trusted List Browser delivers the following benefits to its users:

  • Human-readable: Information is presented in a human-readable way, in terms of trust service providers and trusted services as defined in the eIDAS Regulation. More information on the eIDAS Regulation.
  • Ease of use: Trusted List Browser is a ready-to-use web application that anyone can access easily, and is designed with an intuitive interface.

Useful pages

eIDAS Dashboard

Notification Tool

eSignature validation tests
