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European Commission Digital

eID Support

Support and Community

If you have questions or need support, contact our service desk or ask the Community. For more information on our Service Desk, please see our terms and conditions. 

eID User Community lock_open 

This space enables stakeholders to exchange information on cross-border eID-related topics. Pan-European projects re-using DIGITAL eID have their own sub-communities which comprise of a public and private section

This space is open to all, but you will need to register once you are inside to participate fully.

eIDAS eID Implementation lock

The eIDAS eID Implementation space enables developers/technical experts to exchange information around the implementation of the eIDAS technical specification and/or the sample implementation provided by DIGIT.

This space is restricted to those involved in the implementation and operation of an eIDAS-Node. If you do not currently have access but believe you should, you can request access from the Community at the link below.

eIDAS Cooperation Network lock

The eIDAS Cooperation Network space enables members of the Cooperation Network to access information and exchange views on national pre-notified eID schemes, in view of carrying out peer reviews, and to share information on best practices in Member States and industry developments.

This space is partially restricted to members of the eIDAS Cooperation Network. If you are a member of this group, you can request full access from the Community at the link below.

eIDAS Technical Subgroup lock

The eIDAS Technical Subgroup space enables members of the eIDAS Technical Subgroup to exchange information on minimum technical requirements for interoperability and common operational security standards as well as to prepare eIDAS Technical Subgroup meetings and access minutes.

This space is restricted to members of the eIDAS Technical Subgroup or eIDAS Expert Group. If you are a nominated member of one of these groups but do not currently have access, you can request access from the Community at the link below.

eID Governance lock

The eID Governance space hosts the eID Operational Management Board (OMB). The OMB provides a vehicle for stakeholders to handle all operational matters of the DIGITAL building block. It aims to ensure that the European Commission leads the implementation process of the building block with the advice of the Member States and to ensure that the private sector, user organisations and standardisation bodies play a role.

This space is restricted  to members of the eIDAS Technical Subgroup, eIDAS Expert Group, eIDAS Cooperation Network or DIGITAL Telecom Expert Group. If you are a nominated member of one of these groups but do not currently have access, you can request access from the Community at the link below.