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European Commission Digital

eID Services

eID Service Desk

About the service

The DIGITAL eID Service Desk provides services for users to improve the performance, continuity and reliability of their eIDAS-Node implementation. This includes the following tasks:

  • Maintenance of the DIGITAL eID sample implementations based on the eIDAS technical implementation.
  • When available, provision of the middleware components together with the DIGITAL eID sample implementation.
  • Change management for the DIGITAL eID sample implementation.
  • Documentation and technical support for the DIGITAL eID sample implementation.
  • Preparation of incident management and security breach notification arrangements in consultation with Member States.

The DIGITAL eID Service Desk service is not intended for:

  • Service Provider support: It is the responsibility of each Member State to set up a support structure for their country.
  • End-user support: It is the responsibility of each Service Provider to set up a support function for users in need of eID support of their application.

General questions or enquiries should be directed to our Service Desk.

Who can use the service?

The DIGITAL eID Service Desk service is intended for the following type of users:

  • eIDAS-Node implementer or operator – any person who is interested in the implementation, validation, testing, quality assurance and acceptance of an eIDAS-Node.

Benefits of using the service 

The DIGITAL eID Service Desk service is designed to provide the following benefits for users, including:

  • Troubleshooting: each issue encountered by a user will be processed until a solution is found and applied
  • Efficiency: reduced impact of incidents by timely resolution
  • Customer satisfaction: solving customers' issues and answering their requests
  • Monitoring: collecting information on service quality

Ready to get started?

Note: The DIGITAL eID Service Desk Service is only intended to manage change requests impacting the behaviour of the application without putting into question the technical specifications. Requests for changes to the Technical Specifications are out of scope of DIGITAL eID Building Block governance. For any other questions or requests please log a ticket via the eID Service Desk.


eID Service Desk service offering description

Last updated 22 November 2017