This site has been archived on 03/11/2014




Artists, scientists and intellectuals present their contributions to a new narrative for Europe English (en)


On 28 October, "The Mind and Body of Europe: a new narrative" will be presented at the Bozar in Brussels with the participation of the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. After unveiling the final declaration earlier this year in Berlin, this book constitutes a further milestone in the implementation of the "New Narrative for Europe" project to which artists, scientists and intellectuals have contributed since 2013.

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Gewinnen Sie eine Reise zur Verleihung der European Border Breakers Awards


Am 14. Januar 2015 ist die niederländische Stadt Groningen der Treffpunkt für Fans aktueller Musik – ob Pop, Rock oder Dance: An diesem Tag treten die Gewinner der European Border Breakers Awards (siehe IP/14/1135).


Liveurope – Einrichtung einer neuen europäischen Musikplattform English (en)


Liveurope, eine neue europäische Musikplattform, die aus dem EU-Programm Kreatives Europa finanziert wird, vereint 13 bekannte Konzerthallen in 13 europäischen Ländern.

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Liveurope – launch of new European music platform English (en)


Liveurope, a new European music platform co-funded by the EU Creative Europe programme English (en) , will bring together 13 well-known venues in 13 countries across Europe.

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EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards: Kempens Landschap honoured English (en)


An award ceremony will take place at the Kempens Landscape Association (Kempens Landschap) in Wuustwezel, Belgium, on 19 September to celebrate its success in the 2014 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards.

Mehr English (en)


Soziale Eingliederung und finanzielles Fairplay im Brennpunkt der Gespräche zwischen Androulla Vassiliou und den EU-Sportministern in Rom English (en)


Am 20. und 21. Oktober nimmt EU-Kommissarin Androulla Vassiliou an der informellen Tagung der EU-Sportminister teil, die auf Initiative des italienischen EU-Ratsvorsitzes in Rom abgehalten wird. Zentrale Themen sind Sport und soziale Eingliederung, die „Financial Fair Play“-Regeln der UEFA und die Notwendigkeit zur Förderung einer besseren Verwaltungspraxis im Sport.

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Social Inclusion and Financial Fair Play in focus for Vassiliou and EU Sports Ministers in Rome English (en)


On 20-21 October, Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou will take part in the Informal Meeting of EU Sport Ministers in Rome, organised by the Italian Presidency of the EU. Key topics include sport and social inclusion, UEFA's Financial Fair Play rules and the need to promote better governance in sport.

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Ryder Cup 2014: Come on Europe! English (en)


The European Ryder Cup golf team has received a good luck message from the European Commissioner responsible for sport, Androulla Vassiliou, ahead of their biennial match against the USA, which takes place at Gleneagles in Perthshire, Scotland, from 23-28 September.

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Commissioner Vassiliou: Special Olympics European Summer Games play a crucial role for inclusiveness and access English (en)


On 20 September, Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner also responsible for sport, will take part in the closing ceremony of the 2014 Special Olympics European Summer Games in Antwerp.

Mehr English (en)

Commissioner Vassiliou to address world conference on women and sport English (en)


On 12-13 June Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou will take part in the World Conference on Women and Sport in Helsinki, organised by the International Working Group on Women and Sport with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee.

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Kommissarin Vassiliou nimmt an der offiziellen Eröffnung der EU-Jugendkonferenz in Rom teil English (en)


Androulla Vassiliou, Europäische Kommissarin für Bildung, Kultur, Mehrsprachigkeit und Jugend, ist eine der Hauptrednerinnen der EU-Jugendkonferenz, die am 13. Oktober in Rom stattfinden wird.

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Commissioner Vassiliou participates in official opening of the EU Youth Conference, Rome English (en)


Androulla Vassiliou, European Commission for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, is one of the main speakers at the EU Youth Conference taking place in Rome on Monday, 13 October.

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Nobel Peace Prize: statement by European Education Commissioner Vassiliou English (en)


I am delighted that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2014 has been jointly awarded to Malala Yousafzay and Kailash Satyarthi in recognition of their struggle for children's rights.

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President Barroso supports Nestlé’s employment initiative in Lisbon English (en)


Today in Lisbon, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, joins the Prime Minister of Portugal, Pedro Passos Coelho, the Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal, Paulo Portas, the Nestlé Europe CEO Laurent Freixe and Nestlé’s business partners to sign up to the European Commission’s European Alliance for Apprenticeships.

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Vassiliou to address youth employability with Southern Mediterranean countries English (en)


On 23 June, Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will open the second dialogue with Southern Mediterranean countries on higher education. The meeting will focus on policies and programmes in the EU and the Southern Mediterranean region to improve the employability of young graduates.

Mehr English (en)


Vassiliou: Die neue Kommission kann auf soliden Ergebnissen bei Bildung, Jugend, Kultur und Sport aufbauen


Die Wirkung der Kommissionspolitik und die neuen EU-Programme in den Bereichen Bildung, Jugend, Kultur und Sport sind das Hauptthema einer neu erschienenen Broschüre, die Kommissarin Androulla Vassiliou morgen (3. Oktober) in Zypern vorstellen wird.


Facebook chat: What's the Plus in Erasmus+? English (en)


Did you know that, in addition to providing grants for 4 million people to study, train or gain experience abroad in the next seven years, Erasmus+ will also fund 135 000 scholarships for short-term study or teaching opportunities involving countries worldwide?

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Commission hosts launch of Education at a Glance 2014 English (en)


On 9 September the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will release its annual statistical publication, Education at a Glance. The European Commission will host the launch event in Brussels. The report features data on education from the 34 OECD countries, including 21 EU Member States.

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Vassiliou urges Education Ministers to help kids crack the code English (en)


European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou has written a letter to EU Education Ministers urging them to ensure that children have the opportunity to develop basic computer coding skills in school. The letter, jointly signed with Neelie Kroes, Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, states that coding skills are part of the solution to youth unemployment and a growing skills gap in the ICT sector, which is expected to see a shortage of 900 000 ICT practitioners by the end of 2020.

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Joint Research Centre and Cyprus Institute sign partnership agreement ελληνικά (el) English (en)


The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Cyprus Institute signed a partnership agreement on 22 July to boost joint research, innovation and cooperation in fields such as sustainable water and land management, environmental protection, climate change, energy and cultural heritage preservation.

Mehr ελληνικά (el) English (en)


Commission hosts 'Translating Europe' forum English (en)


On 18 and 19 September, the European Commission will host the first 'Translating Europe' forum, bringing together universities, providers and purchasers of translation services, national administrations, private companies, language institutions and translators’ associations.

Mehr English (en)

EU to host 'History of Europe' art exhibition in Ulan Bator, Sept 9-27 čeština (cs) ελληνικά (el) English (en) français (fr)


On Tuesday 9 September, Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will officially open the 'History of Europe' exhibition in Ulan Bator.

Mehr čeština (cs) ελληνικά (el) English (en) français (fr)

Anmeldung zum EU-Übersetzungswettbewerb für Schulen


Ab dem 1. September können sich weiterführende Schulen unter anmelden, um am jährlich stattfindenden EU-Wettbewerb für junge Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer, Juvenes Translatores, teilzunehmen. Die Anmeldefrist läuft noch bis zum 20. Oktober. Das Online-Anmeldeformular gibt es in den 24 Amtssprachen der EU.


EU Young Translator contest: 3000 pupils battle it out English (en)


More than 3 000 teenagers from all over Europe will compete in the annual EU Young Translator Juvenes Translatores contest on 27 November.

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Languages open doors English (en)


Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou is backing an international declaration calling for more awareness-raising in schools and universities about the importance of language learning and career opportunities for interpreters, translators and other skilled language professionals.

Mehr English (en)


EU-backed films honoured at Cannes English (en)


Three films supported by the EU's Creative Europe MEDIA programme received awards at the closing ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival. The jury, chaired by Jane Campion, awarded the Grand Prix in the main competition to Italian director Alice Rohrwachter for The Wonders (Les Merveilles). Jean-Luc Godard's Adieu Au Langage (Goodbye to Language) received the Jury Prize and Timothy Spall received the award for Best Actor for his performance in Mike Leigh's Mr Turner. In the 'Un Certain Regard' section, the Jury Prize went to the Swedish film Turist by Ruben Ostlund.

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Bosnian film director Tanović to receive EU 'Prix MEDIA' at Cannes English (en)


The Oscar-winning Bosnian director Danis Tanović is the winner of the 2014 European Union 'Prix MEDIA', awarded to the best new film project eligible for support from the Creative Europe MEDIA programme . Tanović will receive the award from Androulla Vassiliou, the European Commissioner responsible for culture, during a ceremony at the Cannes Film Festival in France on Saturday 17 May (11am, Café des Palmes, Palais des Festivals).

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Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou has welcomed the fact that four of the five movies nominated as Best Foreign Language Film for the Oscars are supported by the EU's Creative Europe MEDIA programme. The UK film Philomenia, nominated as Best Picture and for Best Actress, as well as films in the categories of Best Animated Feature Film and Best Documentary Feature, have also received support from the MEDIA sub-programme.

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Golden Globes: Vassiliou salutes latest success for Amour English (en)


European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou has congratulated Austrian director Michael Haneke after his film Amour scooped the Golden Globe for best foreign language film at the US award ceremony in Beverly Hills.

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Bridget Jones director opens event on Creative Europe, film and media literacy English (en)


Creative Europe

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 24/11/2014 |  Seitenanfang