This site has been archived on 03/11/2014




Europe 2020 – top billing for education and youth. English (en)


I’m pleased to say that education and youth figure prominently in ‘Europe 2020’, the European Commission’s policy blueprint for recovery from the crisis and for social and economic growth over the next decade.

The strategy was launched by President Barroso on 3 March and you can read it in full here

It sets out the Commission’s ideas for reviving the European economy and creating smart, sustainable, inclusive growth. Education and training policies are key if Europe is to meet its ambitions. Modernising universities and opening up university education to more people are important for smart growth; building quality and access in basic education and lifelong learning will help deliver inclusive growth.

Mehr English (en)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 24/11/2014 |  Seitenanfang