This site has been archived on 03/11/2014


Juni 2010


Commissioner Vassiliou to address world conference on women and sport English (en)


On 12-13 June Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou will take part in the World Conference on Women and Sport in Helsinki, organised by the International Working Group on Women and Sport with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee.

Mehr English (en)

Weltmeisterschaft: Los geht's Europa!


Die EU-Kommissarin für Sport, Androulla Vassiliou, wünscht den Mannschaften aus der EU, die an der FIFA-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 teilnehmen, viel Glück! Anstoß zur 20. Weltmeisterschaft ist am Donnerstag, 12. Juni, in São Paolo. Im Eröffnungsspiel empfängt Gastgeber Brasilien in der Gruppe A Kroatien. Der derzeitige Weltmeister, Spanien, verteidigt seinen Titel zunächst am Freitag, 13. Juni in Salvador gegen die Niederlande. Das Finale findet am 13. Juli 2014 im Maracanã-Stadion in Rio de Janeiro statt.



President Barroso supports Nestlé’s employment initiative in Lisbon English (en)


Today in Lisbon, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, joins the Prime Minister of Portugal, Pedro Passos Coelho, the Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal, Paulo Portas, the Nestlé Europe CEO Laurent Freixe and Nestlé’s business partners to sign up to the European Commission’s European Alliance for Apprenticeships.

Mehr English (en)

Vassiliou to address youth employability with Southern Mediterranean countries English (en)


On 23 June, Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will open the second dialogue with Southern Mediterranean countries on higher education. The meeting will focus on policies and programmes in the EU and the Southern Mediterranean region to improve the employability of young graduates.

Mehr English (en)


President Barroso to open Europe's largest science event in Copenhagen English (en)


European Commission President José Manuel Barroso will on Sunday launch EuroScience Open Forum 2014 (ESOF 2014), Europe's leading biennial science conference, being held this year in Copenhagen. In his speech, President Barroso will call on Europe to remain a world leader in science and use it as a source of jobs and growth. To achieve that, he will call for better and more investment in research and innovation, and a better link with the marketplace.

Mehr English (en)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 24/11/2014 |  Seitenanfang