Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Inclusión

Employment in Europe 2010

Employment in Europe 2010

Produced annually by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the Employment in Europe report is now in its 22nd year. It has become one of the main tools of the European Commission for supporting Member States in analysis, formulation and implementation of their employment policies. Employment in Europe 2010 begins by assessing EU labour market adjustment since the onset of the economic crisis, taking account of the crisis’ impact and future prospects. It also analyses EU and Member State policies aimed at mitigating the effects of the crisis and supporting recovery, and looks ahead to their gradual phasing out. The Report then examines the need to reduce segmentation in labour markets and improve the job situation of young people before drawing conclusions on the way forward. This publication is available in printed format in English only. Please note that the “Employment in Europe 2010” report is now also available as a user-friendly, navigable html version.

Catalog N. : KE-AH-10-001-EN-C

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