This site has been archived on 03/11/2014
Education at a Glance: report on European & global education trends

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Education at a Glance: report on European & global education trends

The 2011 "Education at a Glance" report, which gathers comparable statistics on access to education, investment, student-teacher ratios, teaching hours and graduation rates, will be launched in Brussels on 13 September at a joint Commission-OECD event.

The report covers 34 OECD countries – including 21 EU countries (not Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania or Romania), Brazil, China and other countries. Compiled annually by the OECD and Eurostat, the report gives EU decision-makers a sound basis for education policy-making. An on-the-record briefing for journalists will be held in the auditorium of the Commission's Madou building, Place Madou 1, Brussels, at 11.00.

The Europe 2020 strategy has set targets to reduce the share of early school-leavers from 14.4% to under 10% (this would mean at least 1.7 million fewer drop-outs), and to increase the number of students obtaining a degree or equivalent qualification from 33% to 40% (an extra 2.6 million graduates).


European Commission: Monitoring progress in education and training
OECD: Education
2010 report
Last update: 24/11/2014 |  Top