Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Inclusión

EU Employment and Social Situation - Quarterly Review - September 2014

EU Employment and Social Situation - Quarterly Review - September 2014

The economic recovery which started in the spring of 2013 remains fragile and future employment developments remain uncertain, unemployment still remains close to historical records, and the long-term unemployed represent a large and growing share of total unemployment, with almost 13 million people having been unemployed for at least one year. These are some of the main conclusions of the European Commission's latest Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review. A tool is provided to facilitate the access to regularly updated underlying data, charts and tables. These are accessible from the document or downloadable from the web. This Report is available in electronic format in English only.

Supplement: Human capital availability across the EU – skills perspective

Supplement: Towards a better measurement of welfare and inequality

Download data and charts: Recurrent analysis - latest update (Excel)

See also: Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2013 (21/01/2014)

Catalog N. : KE-BH-14-003-EN-N

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