Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Inclusión

Disability-relevance of quality assurance systems in social services

Disability-relevance of quality assurance systems in social services

Given that quality assurance will remain a fragmented field, often implemented at regional or local level, the European Commission should reach out to sub-national authorities (e.g. local municipalities) and stakeholders (e.g. social inspectorates, service providers, NGOs) to discuss the concept behind, and the potential role of, the forthcoming framework. The specificities of existing systems should be the starting point for building up the forthcoming EU framework, and to identify which aspects are crucial in order to better reflect the needs of persons with disabilities (e.g. accessibility requirements in social service provision; technical skills required of the workforce in community-based services). Good-quality social services and disability-proof quality assurance systems for both mainstream social services (also used by persons with disabilities) and specialised services for persons with disabilities are of key importance to ensuring the successful implementation of the CRPD across Europe and the full participation of persons with disabilities in society.

Catalog N. : KE-05-23-549-EN-N

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