Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Inclusión

Striving for an inclusive labour market in Europe: Positive actions and reasonable accommodation to facilitate hiring and employment of persons with disabilities involving employers and employer initiatives

Striving for an inclusive labour market in Europe: Positive actions and reasonable accommodation to facilitate hiring and employment of persons with disabilities involving employers and employer initiatives

This synthesis report, and the related country reports, explore positive actions and reasonable accommodation to facilitate hiring and employment of persons with disabilities involving employers and employer initiatives in the open labour market. The research carried out contributes to charting the diversity of actions and supports directed at employers to promote hiring and employment of persons with disabilities in European countries; reveals evidence on the strengths and weaknesses of such arrangements; and thus contributes to increasing knowledge about good practices and provides some insights into prerequisites for implementation. This synthesis report, and the related country reports, cover the 27 Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Serbia.

Catalog N. : KE-05-23-221-EN-N

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