Empleo, Asuntos Sociales e Inclusión

The Youth Guarantee - First Successes - The Youth Guarantee on the Ground

The Youth Guarantee - First Successes - The Youth Guarantee on the Ground

In response to the growing number of unemployed youth and those not in employment, education or training (NEETs), the Council adopted the Recommendation on the establishment of a Youth Guarantee (YG) on the 22nd April 2013. With this Recommendation, all Member States committed to ensure all those up to 25 years old would receive a quality offer of employment, education, training or apprenticeship within 4 months of becoming unemployed or leaving school. This publication summarizes developments of the Youth Guarantee across the EU.

This publication is available only in electronic format in English, French and German. (French and German coming soon)

Catalog N. : KE-04-15-325-EN-N

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