Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Together for independent living (Easy-to-read version)

We should all be able to decide
where, how and with whom we live.

Sadly, for many people with disabilities in Europe
this is not possible.
They cannot enjoy living independently
like other people because:

  • They do not get the right support
    to be able to live independently
    and take part in the community.
  • Many things are not accessible
    and people with disabilities
    cannot use them to get around
    like everybody else.
  • Many people with disabilities
    live in institutions
    and they cannot make
    their own choices in life.

The European Commission
wants to change that
and help people with disabilities
to live independently
and be part of the community.  

The European Commission made
a plan of work for the coming years.
The plan is called ‘Strategy for the rights
of persons with disabilities 2021-2030’.
In short, we call it ‘European Disability Strategy’.

One of the aims
of the European Disability Strategy
is to make independent living possible
for people with disabilities in Europe.

In the coming years,
the European Commission will work to:

  • Give the right support
    to people with disabilities
    so that they can live independently
    and make their own choices in life.
    For example,
    having a support person
    to help them in their daily lives,
    or getting a doctor at home
    when they cannot go to the hospital
  • Recognise the important role
    of support persons
    and give them benefits and help
    to continue doing their job.
  • Help people with disabilities
    to get homes
    that are adjusted to their needs.
  • Make it possible for people with disabilities
    to live in the community.

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