Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Slovenia - Health care

This chapter covers rights to health care (pravica do zdravstvenega varstva).

In what situation can I claim?

Insured persons and members of their family are included in compulsory health insurance coverage. The following persons are covered: employees and self-employed, farmers, company members who are also managers, persons receiving benefits, (pension, incapacity benefit, survivor's pension, unemployment benefit or permanent social assistance), permanent residents in Slovenia not insured in any of the categories above.

They are liable for the payment of compulsory health insurance contributions.

Entitlement to medical services, covered by compulsory health insurance is shown by a health insurance card.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Personal entitlement to rights for compulsory health insurance begins from the day upon which the prescribed conditions are fulfilled and lasts until the day when the prescribed conditions are no longer fulfilled.

As a rule, a transitory period for payment of contributions is not required for entitlement to health care services or benefits.

Entitlement to an individual's right is determined by a general physician (general physician, gynaecologist, paediatrician or dentist), designated physician or medical commission.

A list of healthcare centres and a list of named doctors are available.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Rights to compulsory health insurance are divided into:

  • rights to health care services;
  • rights to benefits and reimbursements.

Rights to health care services include:

Benefits and reimbursements from the set of compulsory health insurance are:

  • benefit payment in the case of temporary absence from work;
  • reimbursement of travel expenses in connection with receiving health care services;
  • reimbursement of other fees.

Jargon busters

MZ – Ministry of Health

ZZZS – Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia

Healthcare Providers within the public health care network

Know your rights

The links below listing your rights are not European Commission pages and do not represent the view of the Commission:

European Commission publications and web pages:

Who do you need to contact?

The right to benefit payment is allocated on the basis of a decision from a personal physician, designated physician or medical commission.

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