Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Romania - Place of residence

This chapter contains details of the criteria for determining 'place of residence' that you must meet in order to obtain benefits in Romania.

In what situation can I claim?

Your place of residence is the country in which you habitually reside and where your centre of interest is.

A European regulation on the coordination of social security systems states the criteria on the basis of which the social security institutions decide which country may be regarded as your place of residence.

These criteria are:

  • the duration of your presence in the country concerned, in this case Romania;
  • your family status and ties;
  • your housing situation and how permanent it is;
  • the place where you pursue your professional activity;
  • any unpaid activity that you pursue;
  • the characteristics of your professional activity;
  • tax residency, which is used to determine the country or countries in which a person must pay income tax.

If the situation regarding your place of residence is unclear, the social security institutions are the authorities that will decide where it is on the basis of the above criteria.

Your place of residence needs to be Romania for you to be able to receive social benefits in this country. Citizens of the European Union who are not resident in Romania but hold a valid European Health Insurance Card may receive emergency medical services in the country.

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