Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Portugal - Adding together contribution periods

This chapter covers what you need to know about how to move within the EU and the impact that this has on the payment of your benefits.

In what situation can I claim?

If you go to work in an EU country or in another country covered by European regulations, in principle you will become subject to the laws of your "new country" for the purposes of social protection

If you have lived, worked and paid social security contributions in another EU country or in another country where European regulations apply, the periods of residence, work and contributions may be included when calculating your social benefits in Portugal.

The relationship between the UK and the EU has changed since Brexit. The EU and the United-Kingdom reached an agreement on the withdrawal of the United-Kingdom from the European Union with a transition period ending on 31st December 2020.

Thus if you are a Portuguese citizen (or a citizen from another EU Member State) working or living in the United-Kingdom or a British citizen working or residing in Portugal (or in other EU countries) on the expiry date of the transition period of the withdrawal agreement (31st December 2020), as well as if you are covered by the national legislation on the same date, the European rules on the coordination of social security systems apply (Regulations (EC) 883/2004 and 987/2009). The periods of residence, of work and of contribution can be taken into account when calculating social benefits paid after 1st January 2021.

If, at the end of the transition period, you were not subject to the withdrawal agreement rules but you had already exercised your right of free movement and had fulfilled the minimum contribution period, or if you need such contribution periods to be entitled to social benefits, you can also benefit from the community legislation if more favourable than the national legislation.

As regards movements after 1st January 2021 by persons not covered by the withdrawal agreement, the trade and co-operation agreement between the EU and the United-Kingdom signed on 31st December 2020 will apply, if entering into force; it includes rules on the coordination of social security systems.


What conditions do I need to meet?

The possibility of including contribution periods recorded in another EU country or in another country where European regulations apply is relevant to payment of the following benefits

  • Sickness benefits [Subsídio de doença];
  • Parental Benefits [Subsídio de parentalidade] (maternity, paternity and adoption);
  • Invalidity Pension [Pensão de invalidez];
  • The Old-Age Pension [Pensão de velhice];
  • Survivor's Pension [pensão de sobrevivência];
  • Unemployment Benefits [Subsídio de desemprego];
  • Social Unemployment Benefits [subsídio social de desemprego] (non-contributory);
  • Compensation for Temporary Incapacity for Work (occupational disease);
  • Pension for Permanent Incapacity for Work (occupational disease).

In the case of some social benefits (namely, in the case of Unemployment Benefits), your last contribution for the purposes of social protection must have been made in Portugal, unless you are a frontier worker. In addition, a minimum number of days or years of contributions (minimum qualifying period) may also be required, but this requirement may be met through contribution periods recorded in other countries.


What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

If you are returning to Portugal from another country where European regulations apply, you will need to bring your social security contributions record with you by submitting the Portable Document U1, filled out by the social security authority in the country where you worked. Make sure you check that you hold all the necessary documents issued by the respective social security services

If you were receiving Unemployment Benefits in any EU or EEA country or in Switzerland for at least four weeks, you may receive this benefit directly in Portugal for between three and six months whilst seeking employment in the country. In this case, before leaving for Portugal to seek employment, you will have to request Portable Document U2 from the social security services in the country where you were receiving the Unemployment Benefits.

If you claim contributory social security benefits from the Portuguese Social Security Institute, there is a section on the form that asks you if you worked in an EU country.

To complete this section, you need to know:

  • Which country you worked in;
  • The dates that you worked there;
  • Your social security number in the country where you worked.

Whenever you need to satisfy certain conditions in order to claim social security benefits from the Social Security Institute, the competent authorities will have to include those periods in which you paid contributions abroad, provided that you were working in an EU country or a country covered by European regulations. You will continue to be protected if you change jobs or if you move between these countries for work.


Jargon busters

  • Contributions: contributions are instalments paid by workers and/or by employers in order to establish entitlement to social security protection.
  • Habitual Residence: according to the definition in community legislation, this means the place which is your "habitual centre of interests".
  • Social Security Identification Number (NISS): number that ensures that the identification of beneficiaries by the Portuguese Social Security Institute is unique, precise and accurate across the whole country.

Forms you may need to fill in

In Portugal, Portable Documents U1 and U2 are issued:

  • In continental Portugal, by the Centros Distritais do Instituto da Segurança Social [District Social Security Centres];
  • In the Autonomous Region of Madeira, by the Instituto de Segurança Social da Madeira [Madeiran Social Security Institute];
  • In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, by the Instituto de Segurança Social dos Açores [Azorean Social Security Institute].

Know your rights

You can be informed of your rights by consulting the following links:

Technical information circular 5/2020 on the application of the withdrawal agreement from 1st January 2021

/ information in English

Technical information circular 2/2021 complementing circular 5/2020.

Brexit - Política Externa - Portal Diplomático

Commission Publication and Website:

Who do you need to contact?

Social Security Line: 300 502 502/ 210 545 400

Personalized service: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, excluding public holidays

Automated reply system: 24/24, 7/7

From abroad: +351 300 502 502 / +351 210 545 400

Social Security website: www.seg-social.pt.

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