Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Portugal - Social Integration Income

This chapter covers benefits granted in Portugal to persons who are in social or financial need and are at risk of social exclusion; these benefits aim to ensure that beneficiaries have sufficient resources to satisfy their basic needs and to be integrated into society.

In what situation can I claim?

Persons or families in serious financial need who need financial support to integrate more successfully into society and who satisfy the eligibility conditions are entitled to Social Integration Income [Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI)].

The RSI consists of an integration programme comprising a contract to help them integrate into society and professionally and a cash benefit to help with basic needs.


What conditions do I need to meet?

To be entitled to the RSI the household must not have movable assets or goods that are subject to registration worth more than €28.825.8.

It is also necessary to meet the following conditions:

  • Be a legal resident of Portugal:
  • National citizens, EU citizens, EEA citizens and citizens of other countries that have an agreement regarding the freedom of movement of persons within the EU and persons with refugee status - They must be legally-resident in Portugal;
  • Citizens of remaining countries - They must be legally-resident in Portugal for at least three years;
  • Be in serious financial need (the household's total monthly income must not exceed the value of the Social Integration Income, calculated according to the composition of the household);
  • Sign and adhere to the Integration Contract [Contrato de Inserção];
  • Be over 18 years of age, unless they are pregnant, or they are married or have been living in a de facto relationship for more than two years, or they are responsible for minors or disabled persons who depend on the beneficiary's household exclusively for support; or their income is more than 70% of the RSI;
  • Be registered with the Serviço de Emprego [Job Centre] in the area where they live if they are unemployed and capable of working;
  • Give the Social Security Institute access to all the relevant information needed to assess their socio-economic position;
  • In case of voluntary unemployment (without valid reason), the RSI can only be claimed after one year from the date of unemployment;
  • Not be in provisional detention or serving a prison sentence in prison accommodation; the RSI can however be claimed within a period of 45 days preceding the expected release date;
  • Not have been placed in any institutions financed by the State, unless the placement is temporary and involves a precise personal integration plan, or in cases of hospitalization in therapeutical communities or in hospital units belonging to the integrated national network of continuous care. The RSI can be claimed during the 45 days preceding the expected discharge or departure date;
  • Not being a beneficiary of the social assistance granted within the framework of the asylum procedure or the refugee status

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

You may receive Social Integration Income from the date of your claim

You receive Social Integration Income for a maximum period of 12 months; it may be renewed for as long as the conditions are met.

You receive a monthly benefit corresponding to the difference between the maximum rate of Social Integration Income and your household's total income.

The maximum rate of Social Integration varies, depending on the composition of the household:

  • For the recipient – EUR  209.11 (100% of the value of the RSI)
  • For each adult – EUR  146.37 (70% of the value of the RSI)
  • For each child – EUR  104.55 (50% of the value of the RSI)


Jargon busters

  • RSI: Rendimento social de inserção [Social Integration Income]
  • Household: persons living in the same house and who are related.
  • Integration contract for social integration income: This is a series of actions covering the obligations and entitlements of the beneficiary and of the beneficiary's household. It also regulates benefits and integration measures.


Forms you may need to fill in

  • RSI 1- DGSS: Claim for Social Integration Income / initial claim / claim for a renewal
  • RSI 1/2 - DGSS – Claim for Social Integration Income – Information and instruction for filling out;
  • RV1017-DGSS: Identification of natural persons;
  • RSI 28 / DGSS: Declaration on modifications.

These forms/templates can be found on the Social Security website.

And must be presented together with the documents indicated therein in the social security services.


Know your rights

The links below define your entitlements in accordance with Portuguese law. They are not European Commission links, nor do they represent the Commission's position

Commission Publication and Website:


Who do you need to contact?

You can obtain further information on Social Integration Income through one of the following

Social Security Line: 300 502 502 / 210 545 400

Personalized service: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, excluding public holidays

Automated reply system: 24/24, 7/7

From abroad: +351 300 502 502 / +351 210 545 400

Social Security website: www.seg-social.pt.

Consult Segurança Social Direta [Social Security Direct].


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