Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Portugal - Sickness benefits

This chapter addresses the various benefits granted for sickness in Portugal.

In what situation can I claim?

The following may claim sickness benefits (subsídio de doença):

  • Employees;
  • Self-employed workers;
  • Beneficiaries covered by the voluntary social security scheme;

if temporarily incapable of work for a reason other than occupational disease, certified by a doctor from the competent health service.


What conditions do I need to meet?

  • Beneficiaries must be gainfully employed (shown through registered earnings) for a total of six calendar months, whether consecutive or aggregate, prior to the date that the sickness started (the minimum qualifying period); the month in which the sickness occurred may be counted for this purpose, provided that earnings were registered
  • Beneficiaries must have registered earnings for at least twelve days of work in the four months immediately before the month preceding the onset of incapacity (índice de profissionalidade [professionalism index] - this condition does not apply to self-employed workers or to seafarers covered by the voluntary social security scheme);
  • Self-employed workers and persons covered by the voluntary social security scheme must have paid their social security contributions for the quarter preceding the onset of incapacity.


What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

The benefit entitlement period depends on the duration of the sickness and is subject to the maximum periods set out in the following table

Maximum entitlement period


Up to 1,095 days

  • Salaried employees;
  • Self-employed workers;
  • Researchers in receipt of grants covered by the voluntary social security scheme.

Up to 365 days

No time limit

Workers sick from tuberculosis.

The benefits are paid as of:

  • The fourth day of incapacity for work onwards (a three-day waiting period) in the case of employees;
  • The 11th day of incapacity for work onwards (a 10-day waiting period) in the case of self-employed workers and the 31st day for the beneficiaries covered by the voluntary social security scheme.

Benefit amounts

The daily benefit amount is calculated by multiplying the beneficiary's reference income by a certain percentage. This percentage varies according to the length and nature of the sickness, as follows:

Reference income

Duration of sickness (no. of days)

55 %

Up to 30

60 %

Between 31 and 90

70 %

Between 91 and 365

75 %

Over 365

The percentages are different in the case of sickness from tuberculosis.

The sickness benefit percentages for cases up to 30 days and cases between 31 and 90 days are increased by 5% when:

  • The beneficiary's reference income is € 500 or less;
  • The household includes three or more descendants receiving Family Benefits;
  • The household includes descendants benefitting from the Disability Supplement.

The minimum rate of benefits payable is set at 30% of the IAS [Social Support Index] (€ 144.13). Where the person's reference income is lower than the IAS, the sickness benefit will be equal to the reference income. The benefits cannot exceed the reference income.


Jargon busters

  • IAS: Indexante dos Apoios Sociais [the social support index].
  • CIT: Certificado de Incapacidade Temporária para o Trabalho [Certificate of Temporary Incapacity for Work].
  • Índice de profissionalidade [Professionalism Index]: the minimum number of days that must be worked in the months prior to incapacity in order to qualify for sickness benefits.
  • Reference income: in general, it is the average amount earned per day in the six months counting back from the three months prior to the month when the beneficiary stopped working due to sickness, as declared by the employer to the Social Security Institute.

Forms you may need to fill in

Medical information is sent electronically to Social Security institutions

  • GIT35-DGSS: used for identification of the household, in cases of sickness from tuberculosis;
  • RP5003-DGSS: Claim for wage-compensating benefits;
  • GIT37-DGSS: Accident Declaration - Sickness Benefit.

These forms can be found on the Social Security web site.

Know your rights

The links below define your entitlements in accordance with Portuguese law. They are not European Commission links, nor do they represent the Commission's position

Commission Publication and Website:


Who do you need to contact?

You may obtain further information on social protection during sickness through one of the following

Social Security Line: 300 502 502 / 210 545 400

Personalized service: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, excluding public holidays

Automated reply system: 24/24, 7/7

From abroad: +351 300 502 502 / +351 210 545 400

Social Security website: www.seg-social.pt.

Consult Segurança Social Direta [Social Security Direct].


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