Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Luxembourg - Vocational rehabilitation benefits

This chapter provides information on everything you need to know to claim vocational rehabilitation benefits.

In what situation can I claim?

If you are no longer able to exercise your last profession (your last job) although not affected by a general inability to work, you may be able to claim for vocational rehabilitation benefits (prestations de réinsertion professionnelle).

What conditions do I need to meet?

You can claim for vocational rehabilitation benefits if you fit one of the following descriptions:

  • you are ill for an extended period;
  • you have put in a claim for an invalidity pension;
  • you benefit from a temporary invalidity pension.

The Contrôle Médical de la Sécurité Sociale may find that you do not fulfil the benefit conditions or the maintenance of an invalidity pension, while finding that you are unable to carry out the job you last held. With your agreement, a joint committee will be arranged to decide on redeployment, and the employer will be notified. The occupational doctor will see and examine you within a period of approximately two weeks.

  • If the occupational doctor decides that you are not able to carry out your last work position, a redeployment procedure (vocational rehabilitation) will be launched.
  • If the occupational doctor decides that you are able to carry out your last work position, or if you do not present yourself for the examination, you must return to work.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

In the event that the occupational doctor recommends vocational rehabilitation, you can benefit from either internal or external redeployment.

  • For internal redeployment, you must present yourself to your employer to return to work, but in a position or a system suitable to your state of health.
  • For external redeployment, your employment contract will cease to be effective and you must present yourself to ADEM to register as a jobseeker. The relevant department will remain at your disposal to provide assistance in finding a suitable job. In the meantime, you will be eligible for unemployment benefits.

If your internal or external redeployment leads to a reduction in your remuneration, you will have the right to a compensation allowance.

If at the end of the unemployment benefits you have not been able to be redeployed, you will receive a professional tide-over benefit and you will remain registered with ADEM.

Further information is available on the ADEM website.

Jargon busters

  • Social Security Medical Inspectorate (Contrôle médical de la sécurité sociale - CMSS): Competent administration for all medical issues. Its opinions are binding on the social security institutions.
  • Agency for Development of Employment (Agence pour le Développement de l’Emploi - ADEM): Public service in charge with guiding job seekers, establishing and paying unemployment benefits.
  • Joint committee: Committee made up of representatives from social partners, the CMSS, ADEM, the Ministries for Work and Health, which decides on the internal or external redeployment of employees.

Know your rights

The links below provide a legal definition of your rights. They are not European Commission websites and they do not represent the views of the Commission:

Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

Agence pour le Développement de l’Emploi

Address: 10, rue Bender L-1229 Luxembourg - for local agencies, visit the website.

Telephone numbers

for jobseekers: +352 247 - 88888

for employers: +352 247 - 88000

E-mail: info@adem.public.lu

Website: http://www.adem.public.lu

Contrôle médical de la sécurité sociale

Address: 125, route d’Esch L-1471 Luxembourg
Telephone number: (+352) 26 19 13-1
Website: https://mss.gouvernement.lu/fr/annuaire.html?idMin=257

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