Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Liechtenstein - Maternity

This chapter describes the maternity benefits you may receive. The following benefits are addressed:

  • benefits in kind
  • maternity leave
  • maternity benefit.

In what situation can I claim?

In the event of maternity. There are no social security benefits for fathers in Liechtenstein.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Health insurance awards benefits in kind and/or cash to employed or self-employed people and for women officially resident in Liechtenstein. A maternity benefit is also paid to unemployed mothers from general funds if they do not have sufficient financial resources.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Benefits in kind

Health insurance covers obstetrics by a doctor and a midwife and the necessary check-ups during pregnancy and for 10 weeks after delivery (see the section on benefits in kind in the event of illness). There is also no cost sharing for health benefits during maternity.

The maternity leave encompasses the claim to a paid 20-week maternity leave.

Maternity benefit

All benefits provided by the funds in the event of illness are also granted during maternity. Accordingly, obligatory sickness benefits are granted to all employees with income-related benefits. This amounts to at least 80 % of the lost wage, including regular fringe benefits.

Women who were members of a health insurance fund for a period of at least 270 days before giving birth may claim sickness benefit for 20 weeks. At least 16 of these weeks must be claimed after the birth.

A tax-funded income-based maternity benefit is provided to unemployed residents and to employed residents as a top-up payment for a lower sickness benefit. It depends on the income of parents living in the same household and the number of children. The minimum payment is CHF 500, the maximum amount is CHF 4,500.

Eligibility for benefit

Benefits in kind are to be prescribed by the relevant doctor. Applications for sickness benefit should be submitted to the relevant health insurance fund and applications for maternity benefit should be submitted to the Liechtenstein Department of Health.

Forms you may need to fill in

Know your rights

The links below provide additional legal information; they do not link to European Commission websites and do not reflect its views.

European Commission publications:

Who do you need to contact?

Amt für Gesundheit
Äulestrasse 51
Postfach 684
9490 Vaduz

Tel. +423 236 73 40

Email: marita.beck@llv.li

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