Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Ireland - Invalidity Pension

This chapter tells you what you need to know in order to claim benefits in Ireland if you cannot work because of a long-term illness or disability and are covered by social insurance (PRSI).

If you do not qualify for an Invalidity Pension on Irish contributions alone, contributions paid in certain countries can be used to help you qualify for a reduced Invalidity Pension from Ireland.

These are countries that:

  • are covered by EU Regulations, or
  • have a Bilateral Social Security Agreement with Ireland.

You may qualify for a reduced Invalidity Pension from Ireland. You may also qualify for a pension from that other country.

If you have been getting Illness Benefit (for a minimum of 6 months) or Invalidity Pension and wish to return to work, you may qualify for Partial Capacity Benefit if your capacity for work is reduced by your medical condition. You will qualify for Partial Capacity Benefit if your restriction on capacity for work is assessed as moderate, severe, or profound. If it is assessed as mild you will not qualify. Participation on the Partial Capacity Benefit scheme is voluntary, and you may return to Illness Benefit or Invalidity Pension if, for example, your employment ceases or if you find you cannot continue to work.

You should give details on your application form of any employment or periods of residence in countries other than Ireland by either you or your late spouse or civil partner. We will send the relevant papers, on your behalf, to the relevant social security authority in the qualifying country or countries concerned.

In what situation can I claim?

Invalidity Pension is a payment for insured people who are permanently incapable of work because of an illness or incapacity. It is available to both employees and the self-employed. A Deciding Officer determines whether you satisfy the scheme conditionality and decides on your claim having considered the medical evidence provided by your medical practitioner, and having regard to the opinion of a Medical Assessor employed by the Department of Social Protection.

To qualify you must satisfy both social insurance (PRSI) and medical conditions.

What conditions do I need to meet?

To qualify, you must:

  • have been incapable of work for at least 12 months and be likely to be incapable of work for at least another 12 months (you will probably have been getting Illness Benefit or Disability Allowance during that time); or
  • be permanently incapable of work (in certain cases of very serious illness or disability, you can transfer directly from another social welfare payment or from your job to Invalidity Pension).

The contribution conditions for Invalidity Pension are that before the relevant date you have:

  • qualifying PRSI contributions in respect of not less than 260 contribution weeks since your entry into insurance, and
  • qualifying PRSI contributions or credited contributions in respect of not less than 48 contribution weeks in the last or second last complete contribution year.

The relevant date is:

  • any date after the completion of one year of continuous incapacity for work, or
  • any lesser period that may be prescribed, subject to the conditions and in the circumstances that may be prescribed

where you have entered into a continuous period of incapacity for work and are subsequently proved to be permanently incapable of work.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

 If qualifying conditions are satisfied payments are made until you reach 66 at which point you transfer to the State Pension (contributory).

Weekly Rate of Invalidity Pension in 2023

Aged under 66

€ 225.50

Qualified adult

€ 161.10

Qualified child

€42 (under 12 full rate)  - €50 (over 12 full rate)  - €21 (under 12 half rate) - €25 (over 12 half rate)

Where a qualified adult has attained pensionable age before 2 January 2014 you may get an additional increase of €176.70.

Note that the payment of qualified adult and child increases depends on the income your spouse or partner may have.

Invalidity Pensions are taxable so you will need to get in touch with the tax office as soon as your payment starts.

The Partial Capacity Benefit is paid if you cannot work to your full capacity but have received permission to return to work.

The rate of payment is based upon a medical assessment of your capacity to work:

  • 100% of the Invalidity Pension for those with a profound incapacity;
  • 50% or 75% respectively for those with a moderate or severe incapacity.

Blind Pension for the blind and some partially-sighted people, aged 18-66, and is also available. This is a means-tested payment to blind and visually impaired people who are habitually resident in Ireland. The payment is made by the Department of Social Protection. To qualify for the Pension you will be required to have an eye test by an ophthalmic surgeon to verify your visual impairment.

Jargon busters

  • A qualified adult/child is a dependant for whom you may get an extra amount, paid as an increase to your personal payment;
  • PRSI stands for Pay Related Social Insurance - the money your employer deducts directly from your wages. To claim a contributory benefit you need to have clocked up the relevant number of contributions.

Forms you may need to fill in

Know your rights

The links below set out your rights in law, they are not European Commission sites and do not represent the view of the Commission:

Commission publication and website:

Who do you need to contact?

Find your nearest Intreo Office

Irish Tax and Customs

Invalidity Pension Claims Section

Social Welfare Services

Government Buildings

Ballinalee Road


Telephone: (043) 334 0000

LoCall: 0818 92 77 70

If you are calling from outside the Republic of Ireland please call + 353 43 3340000

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