Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Iceland - Cash benefits for illness

This section contains information on cash benefits for illness in Iceland.

In what situation can I claim?

Cash benefits for illness are paid to individuals who are unable to work due to their illness and who do not, therefore, receive any wages.

In order to be entitled to cash benefits for illness, you must:

  • Have ceased to work and no longer receive an income;
  • Be completely unable to work;
  • Have been working for at least two months before falling ill;
  • Have health insurance in Iceland. You are automatically covered by health insurance in Iceland if you have been domiciled here for six months or more.

What conditions do I need to meet?

In order to be entitled to cash benefits for illness, you must:

  • Be aged 18 or more. In special cases, 16-17 years;
  • Be neither an old age pensioner nor a disability pensioner. Disability allowance recipients may, however, be entitled to cash benefits for illness;
  • Cash benefits for illness are paid from the 15th day of illness if the applicant is unable to work for at least 21 days;
  • Wage earners can receive,  the cash benefits for illness after the end of the continued payment of wages by the employer;
  • Cash benefits for illness may be paid two months retroactively from the time that the application and all necessary documents are delivered.

The following are entitled to cash benefits for illness:

  • Wage earners
  • Employers / Self-employed
  • Homemakers
  • Students
  • Organ donors, individuals undergoing detoxification treatment, women who give birth at home. See amount of cash benefits for illness and the supplementary amount due to children supported by the benefit recipient.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

You will need to fill out an application for cash benefits for illness and deliver it to the service centre of Icelandic Health Insurance. https://island.is/s/sjukratryggingar

Various attachments need to be submitted with the application, and the employer must sign a certification form that is included with the application form.

Students submit certificates from their school in the event their education is delayed due to illness.

Everyone has to submit a cash benefit for illness certificate from a physician.

Jargon busters

Able to work. If a person is able to work, such person is fit enough to work. A person unable to work is not fit enough to work.

Forms you may need to fill in

Application for per diem cash benefits for illness from Icelandic Health Insurance.

Know your rights

The following websites provide information on your rights. They are not, however, operated by the EU Commission and do not reflect the Commission's views:

Publications and websites operated by the EU Commission:

Who do you need to contact?

Icelandic Health Insurance
Vínlandsleið 16 (see map)
113 Reykjavik
Tel: 515 0000
E-mail: sjukra@sjukra.is 

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