Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Hungary - Benefits in case of accidents at work and occupational diseases

The Hungarian health insurance system provides accident benefit coverage to insured persons.

In what situation can I claim?

The insurance covers all injuries and illnesses incurred in the course of work, that are work-related or happen on the way to or from work (accidents at work), and diseases and deterioration of a worker’s health due to the hazards peculiar to the job (occupational diseases).

An occupational disease is an acute and chronic disease which occurs during or after the exercise of an occupation and which is due to physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial or ergonomic pathological factors that occur during work, or as a result of more or less than optimal use of the worker. Anyone who intentionally caused the injury to himself or who was deliberately delayed in seeking medical help or reporting the accident is not entitled to benefits.

Benefits in case of accidents at work and occupational disease:

  • (in kind) accident health services
  • work accident sickness benefit (Baleseti táppénz)
  • work accident annuity (Baleseti járadék)

What conditions do I need to meet?

Work accident sickness benefit (Baleseti táppénz) is paid to people who, as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease, are unable to work (i.e. are unable to work due to their work-related health status that is requiring medical treatment or in the absence of medical aid.)

A work accident annuity (Baleseti járadék) is paid to anyone who, as a result of an accident at work or occupational disease, suffers a loss of working capacity of more than 13% and is not entitled to disability benefit.

Benefits in kind include general medical assistance, 100% coverage for medicine, appliances and healthcare, and certain free dental treatments that are connected with the sickness or injury.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Work accident sickness benefit (Baleseti táppénz)

These benefits, which are equal to 100% of income (90% in the case of an accident while travelling), are granted for 1 year, but may be extended for a further year if necessary. Extensions may only be granted on the basis of a medical advice.

Work accident annuity (Baleseti járadék)

If the loss of working capacity is no more than 20%, the allowance is paid for maximum 2 years; otherwise, it is paid until the person is able to work again. The amount of this allowance depends on the loss of working capacity, and represents 8, 10, 15 or 30% of the average monthly income.

The authorised rehabilitation expert team makes a complex assessment on medical, social and employment issues. On the basis of this assessment, the team decides upon the extent of damage to health, the professional working capacity, the ability to be rehabilitated as well as the directions and duration of the rehabilitation.

Forms you may need to fill in

Work accident sickness benefit should be claimed by submitting medical certificates of incapacity for work to the employer. Before deciding on an application, the authority must decide whether or not the accident is recognised as a work accident.

Know your rights

The link below set out your rights in law, it is not an European Commission site and does not represent the view of the Commission:

European Commission publication and website:

Who do you need to contact?

Hungarian State Treasury

Magyar Államkincstár

Fiumei út 19/a.



e-mail: penzbeli@allamkincstar.gov.hu

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