Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Czech Republic - Special pension contributions and supplements

This chapter describes pension contributions and supplements. Persons involved in anti-Fascist resistance movements in World War II, persons harmed by the Communist regime and survivors of these persons and Czechoslovak Legion (Československé legie) veterans who fought in World War I are eligible. Only Czech nationals are eligible.

We will explain how the following works:

  • pension supplement for participants in the national struggle to create and liberate Czechoslovakia (příplatek k důchodu pro účastníky národního boje za vznik a osvobození Československa);
  • special pension contribution for participants in the national struggle to create and liberate Czechoslovakia (zvláštní příspěvek k důchodu pro účastníky národního boje za vznik a osvobození Československa);
  • pension contribution to mitigate some injustices caused by the Communist regime (příplatek k důchodu ke zmírnění některých křivd způsobených komunistickým režimem);
  • one-off payment replacing pension supplements and contributions (jednorázová peněžní částka nahrazující příplatek k důchodu a zvláštní příspěvek k důchodu).

In what situation can I claim?

Three categories of persons are eligible for special pension contributions and supplements:

  • participants in the resistance movement during World War II;
  • victims of the Communist regime;
  • survivors of resistance fighters (including those from World War I) and victims of Communism.

Anyone who meets the requisite conditions can apply. Requisite documentation must prove participation in resistance activities or persecution by the Communist regime.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Pension supplement for participants in the national struggle to create and liberate Czechoslovakia (příplatek k důchodu pro účastníky národního boje za vznik a osvobození Československa)

It is intended for:

  • participants in the resistance movement during World War II ("resistance fighters");
  • widows or widowers who receive widower's or widow's pensions from Czechoslovak Legion veterans from World War I or resistance fighters;
  • bereaved children/orphans of resistance fighters who died in combat, were executed or died in prison when the applicant had not yet reached the age of 18.

Special pension contribution for participants in the resistance (zvláštní příspěvek k důchodu pro účastníky národního boje za vznik a osvobození Československa)

It is intended for:

  • resistance fighters whose pensions were calculated in a special manner given their involvement with the resistance;
  • persons who were imprisoned by the Communist regime for at least 12 months and who were later rehabilitated ("political prisoners");
  • persons sent by the Communist regime to forced labour camps and other similar installations for at least 12 months ("political prisoners");
  • political prisoners who were sentenced to at least 12 months' imprisonment but which ended prematurely for health reasons;
  • the widows and widowers of resistance fighters and political prisoners;
  • participants in the May 1945 uprising.

Pension contribution to mitigate some of the injustices caused by the Communist regime (příplatek k důchodu ke zmírnění některých křivd způsobených komunistickým režimem).

It is intended for:

  • political prisoners;
  • widows and widowers of political prisoners and persons who died while attempting to emigrate;
  • bereaved children/orphans of political prisoners and persons who died while attempting to emigrate who had not yet reached the age of 18.

Czech citizenship is the common eligibility criteria for applicants seeking any of the three benefits.

Additional conditions include:

  • for political prisoners, receipt of an old-age pension or invalidity pension for third degree disability;
  • for widows and widowers of political prisoners, receipt of a widow's or widower's pension;
  • for orphans, receipt of any pension from Czech pension insurance.

One-off payment replacing pension supplements and contributions (jednorázová peněžní částka nahrazující příplatek k důchodu a zvláštní příspěvek k důchodu)

It is intended to compensate persons who are eligible for one of the three benefits mentioned above, but do not receive an adequate pension from the Czech pension insurance system (usually because they are not Czech citizens). The lump sum is paid at age 65, except for widows and widowers who are eligible earlier.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Pension supplement for participants in the national struggle

It is paid along with the regular pension on a monthly basis. The amount is calculated based on the number of months the applicant (or their relatives) was involved in the resistance.

The following amount is calculated for every calendar month in the resistance:

  • CZK 50 for resistance fighters;
  • CZK 25 for widows and widowers;
  • CZK 20 for orphans.

The minimum amount is CZK 200.

The pension supplement is increased for resistance fighters who died in combat.

 The increase is a monthly amount of:

  • CZK 3,000 For widows and widowers
  • CZK 2,400 For orphans

Special pension contribution for participants in the resistance

This contribution is paid on a monthly basis in two fixed amounts:

CZK 2,500

Resistance fighters and political prisoners

CZK 1,250

Widows, widowers and participants in the May uprising

Pension contribution to mitigate some of the injustices caused by the Communist regime

Applicants are eligible for a monthly amount multiplied by the number of months they or their relatives spent in prison.

  • CZK 50  for political prisoners
  • CZK 25 for widows or widowers of political prisoners
  • CZK 20 for orphans of political prisoners

The contribution may be increased by a fixed monthly amount.

The increase is CZK 3,000 for:

  • widows of political prisoners who were executed or died in prison;
  • widows or widowers of persons who were killed trying to emigrate.

Or CZK 2,400 for:

  • orphans of political prisoners who were executed or died in prison;
  • orphans of a person killed while trying to emigrate.

One-off payment replacing pension supplements and contributions

This is paid as a one-off payment. The amount is calculated as 72 times the monthly amount to which the applicant would be entitled in the case of a contribution or special supplement.

Where and how to apply

Pension contributions and supplements are usually applied for at Czech Social Security Administration offices (pobočky České správy sociálního zabezpečení) at the place of residence.

Forms you may need

Know your rights

These links do not lead to European Commission websites and do not represent the views of the European Commission:

European Commission publications and websites:

Useful contacts

Czech Social Security Administration (Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení)
225 08 Křížová 25
Prague 5
Call centre: +420 257066077

Czech Social Security Administration client centre for pension information (Klientské centrum ČSSZ pro informace o důchodech) (in Czech)

List of Czech Social Security Administration offices (in Czech)

Confederation of Political Prisoners (Konfederace politických vězňů)(in Czech)
Škrétova 6
120 00 Prague 2

Czech Union of Freedom Fighters (Český svaz bojovníků za svobodu) (in Czech)
Legerova 22
120 49 Prague 2

Czechoslovak Community of Legionnaires (Československá obec legionářská) (in Czech)
Sokolská 33
120 00 Prague 2

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