Birth of a new EU agency

© Belga Image Carrying out research and shaping its findings in a way that responds to the policy concerns at hand: this has been Eurofound’s task for the last forty-four years in the area of labour market change, working conditions and sustainable work, industrial relations, quality of life and public services. Recently, its remit has been widened to include two crosscutting areas: digitalisation (the opportunities and challenges it represents for work and employment) and convergence (between and within EU Member States). European Pillar The extension of Eurofound’s scope corresponds with the adoption of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU proclaimed in November 2017. The Pillar upholds a very comprehensive and forward-looking vision of employment and social affairs policy. It also plays an important role in framing EU-level economic and social governance, known as the European Semester process. And it inspires EU employment and social affairs policymaking - as illustrated by the latest wave of initiatives on work-life balance, fair cross-border mobility, transparent and predictable working conditions and access to social protection for all forms of employment (see Social Agenda n°55). Support for policymakers On many of these issues, Eurofound played a key role in providing knowledge and support for policymakers, based on the evidence it has accumulated through its EU-wide research and analysis (see box). Take work-life balance: Eurofound showed that three million people had left full-time employment because of the lack of facilities for childcare or care for dependent family members. And that the lack of paid paternity and parental leave, as well The European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound) is tackling new strategic areas Cross-cutting issue: Eurofound’s remit has been officially widened to include the opportunities and challenges provided by digitalisation. Eurofound – Improving how we live and work today and tomorrow SPECIAL FEATURE 1 6 / SOC I A L AG E NDA / NOV E MB E R 2 0 1 9