
Panorama - Stories from Regional and urban policy

Cohesion Talks

B solutions: solving border obstacles

The European Commission’s B-Solutions initiative is helping to overcome legal and administrative obstacles in border regions, fostering European integration and economic growth.

Enlargement 2004: Cohesion policy 20 years later

In the 20 years since the most significant EU enlargement ever, cohesion policy has supported development of infrastructure and public services and fostered innovation, education and skills development. Member States that joined

Cohesion policy works — and must rise to new challenges

Cohesion policy is one of the most successful and important tools the EU has to strengthen democracy and integrate Member States. However, it needs to adapt to meet the needs of Europeans in an increasingly complex world participants said at the 9th Cohesion Forum held 11-12 April in Brussels.

The 9th Cohesion Report: Forging Europe's convergence

Ahead of the Cohesion Forum 2024, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, shares her perspectives on the pivotal 9th Cohesion Report. Watch the video interview to see Commissioner Ferreira’s take on the transformative impact of Cohesion Policy, its role in addressing Europe's challenges, and its future.

Cohesion policy is narrowing development gaps: 9th Cohesion Report

Since 2004, cohesion policy has significantly reduced disparities in GDP and employment between the east and west of the EU, but challenges such as brain drain and development traps remain, the EU’s 9th Cohesion Report shows

High-Level Group Report Sets Blueprint for Future of EU Cohesion Policy

On the 20 of February, the High-Level Group on the Future of Cohesion policy Report unveiled its final report containing strategies to address future challenges and adapting the Cohesion policy to ever-changing circumstances.

High-level group ensures that Cohesion Policy stays focused on development: discussion with Prof. Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

The findings of the high-level group on the future of Cohesion Policy will be released in early 2024. Panorama spoke to the group’s chair, Prof Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, about ensuring that the policy can help all EU regions realise their full potential and contribute to a united and prosperous EU.

Citizens’ engagement: A deep dive into Banská Bystrica’s Ideathon initiative

In this interview, we exchange with Ms Kariková Soňa, the person behind Banská Bystrica’s innovative Ideathon. As the coordinator for Open Government, Ms Kariková led the city’s collaboration with the DG REGIO/OECD programme, to involve citizens in shaping the Integrated Territorial Strategy (ITS) for 2021-2027.

Interview with Normunds Popens on Cohesion policy's outcome and future

On 2nd May, the European Commission published a Staff Working Document "Cohesion 2021-2027: forging an ever stronger Union - report on the outcome of 2021-2027 cohesion policy programming". We spoke to Normunds Popens, Director General (Acting) of DG REGIO about the report’s conclusions and how cohesion policy delivers for EU citizens.

Joint Audit Directorate ensures more effective protection of the EU budget

The Joint Audit Directorate for Cohesion (DAC) has successfully combined the strengths of two DGs and become an efficient tool to prevent and detect financial irregularities. Its director Franck Sébert tells Panorama what the unit has achieved since its creation and how it will face the challenges of the 2021-2027 funding period.

What matters for people is the contribution that the EU makes where they live

Karolina Kottova, Head of the Communication Unit at DG Regio, participated in the Inform EU network’s third plenary meeting from November 16-18 in Evora, Portugal. She shares with Panorama her thoughts on linking communication about EU investments in different fields, tips for successful campaigns and challenges to promoting funding opportunities.

#EURegionsWeek: Facing New Challenges Together

In 2022, the European Week of Regions and Cities, the flagship Cohesion Policy event, celebrated its 20th anniversary. Experts, stakeholders, beneficiaries and citizens from across Europe gathered in person again in Brussels to take on “New Challenges for Europe’s Cohesion”.

New EIB Group report highlights the impact and importance of cohesion support

A study published this July found that lending in support of EU cohesion policy by the European Investment Bank Group (EIB Group) helped contain the economic fallout from the pandemic and could now help counter some of the short-term fallout from the war in Ukraine.

In another exceptional and difficult year, Europe’s Cohesion policy rose to the challenge

Interview with Marc Lemaître, Director-General, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

Cohesion Policy Improves the Lives of EU Citizens: 8th Cohesion Forum Opens in Brussels

Interview with Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms: what to expect from the 8th Cohesion Forum?

Territorial cohesion in the Baltic Sea Region through the maritime spatial planning

The revised Action Plan of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) covers 14 policy areas. One of them is spatial planning, which includes "ensuring coherent maritime spatial plans throughout the Baltic Sea". The overall goal of this policy area is to increase territorial cohesion in the Baltic Sea Region. Rafal Rolka interviewed Mr Joacim Johannesson from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and Ms Natalia Zając from the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure about their opinions on the process of Maritime spatial planning (MSP) development and coordination in the Baltic Sea Region.

Young EU journalists make headline news

Every year, the Megalizzi - Niedzielski prize is awarded to aspiring journalists participating in DG REGIO’s Youth4Regions programme who show a strong attachment to the EU and its values. Panorama sat down to chat with the two winners of the 2021 prize during the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities in October.

The successes of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its challenges from the Baltic cities’ perspective

The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) is the first macro-regional strategy in Europe, which was approved in 2009. Three key objectives of the EUSBSR are: saving the sea, connecting the region, and increasing prosperity. The Strategy aims to strengthen cooperation between the countries bordering the Baltic Sea in order to meet the common challenges and to benefit from common opportunities facing the region. I asked three local government politicians how it looks like in practice from the Baltic cities’ perspective.

European regions meet up at the Conference on the Future of Europe

Citizens from across Europe discussing the future they want for our Union and the issues and debates that are important to them … This may sound far-fetched but the Conference on the Future of Europe is aiming at nothing less than making this a reality. Through decentralised events and citizen panels – facilitated via the recently launched multilingual digital platform – all Europeans will have a chance to shape the future of our continent.

A sustainable welcome for migrants and refugees

In 2015 and 2016, hundreds of thousands of people reached Europe after fleeing their countries, often with little chance of returning any time soon. Local volunteers, welfare groups and public authorities cooperated to help these migrants and asylum seekers to integrate into their new home, with EU support.