
Panorama - Stories from Regional and urban policy

In your own words

New Croatian technology supports sustainable management of coastal areas

Croatia is better able to predict the impact of pollution and climate change on its coastline, and support sustainable management of these areas, thanks to a project that received Cohesion Policy support.

EUSBSR contributes to the recovery of Ukraine

Contributing to the recovery of Ukraine is one of the priorities of the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region since 2022. Today, there are several initiatives regarding immediate support, sustainable rebuilding, and the road towards a full EU membership.

5 reasons to celebrate transnational cooperation with Interreg Baltic Sea Region

From the northern polar lights to the southern mountain views, from the east to the west, the Baltic Sea brings us together. Just like the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme, which has driven transnational cooperation for the past 25 years. Here are 5 good reasons for you to join our anniversary celebrations!

Monitoring SDGs in Europe’s regions: save the date for upcoming local events!

How can we monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regionally? What data is available and what gaps need to be filled? What is the role of regional governments in achieving the UN’s 2030 Agenda? Several upcoming events across Europe will address these questions to help policymakers assess the growth of their territories.

BOOST5 – Unlocking the potential of cultural and natural heritage

The Boost5 project, based on five previous Interreg-funded projects in Italy and Croatia, is promoting the Adriatic region’s heritage to develop the sustainable tourism sector and contribute to economic growth. It is producing a guide of best practice projects, building skills in the sector and opening new markets.

Beyond casual - The story of the indie game company Joyxir

Connection… established. Reza Hassanzadeh and Ali Sharpasand have joined me from their Estonian office in Tartu. I thank both for taking the time to talk with me about their game studio Joyixir, a play of words on joy and elixir. Let’s have a taste.

Cross-border cooperation helps game companies get publishing deals

Outside, the dusk is settling, but inside the lights remain off. Instead, the big hall is lit by hundreds of PC monitors. A digital clock in the middle of the hall starts counting down. It becomes oddly quiet, except for the clicking of keyboards and the constant background hum of computers. After a while, the eerie silence is interrupted by a dark-haired man who stands up, tosses his headset onto the table and yells “Victory!”.