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Italy and France cooperate to raise local awareness about cross-border natural hazards

Cross-border Alpine territories present a number of natural hazards such as avalanches, ground movement or flooding. Various institutions in France, Italy and Switzerland collaborated on the RiskNET project in order to better inform the public. This has resulted in:the creation of a cross-border platform on the topic of natural hazards;the development of methodologies;the launch of pilot actions relating to good practice. A network of key players is structured through the establishment of a political steering committee and a technical steering committee.

  fr | it
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A coordinated cross-border response for better environmental protection

The cross-border area of Spain’s Castillo and Leon regions and Portugal’s Centro region have much in common in terms of socio-economic standing and natural resources. However, despite these shared interests, there has been a lack of concrete efforts to coordinate approaches between the regions. The Risk Prevention II project is a force for change by developing links and cooperation on environmental protection and emergency responses to crises.

  es | pt
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Facing floods together in the Saxony-Lubuskie border area

When a river is threatening to burst its bank, urgent action is needed, and the region dealing with the crisis could probably do with a helping hand. It makes sense to request the assistance of the nearest neighbours, but if they are located in a different country, such collaboration can be a challenge… A project involving partners in Saxony and Lubuskie – adjoining regions in Germany and Poland – has built bridges between emergency services and administrations on each side of the border.

  de | pl
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Folded garments system gets global attention

Moving and distributing garments on a large scale can be time-consuming. A company in Umbria offers solutions to this challenge, producing around 700 automated systems every year. Its latest development, a folded garments distributor, sets the innovation bar still higher.

  fr | it
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Upgrades to Continental Mabor factory mean more jobs, increased exports.

The EU-funded “Continental Mabor: Route 17” project is an investment to expand and upgrade the company’s Lousado, Portugal plant to produce ultra-high performance tyres. The aim is to increase the plant’s production capacity and benefit the Norte region through an increase in exports and jobs.

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Italy and France are working together on vector control through the REDLAV project

Tuscany, Liguria, Sardinia (Italy) and Corsica (France) are coordinating their efforts to control the spread of mosquitoes and other potential vectors of disease. By uniting around the REDLAV project, the four regions are able to exchange good practices, share their resources and methods, and promote institutional cohesion on the theme of vector control. These efforts contribute to structuring the management of this issue on a cross-border scale. In previous years, each region has pursued its own control policy. However, they are now benefiting from the use of a common strategic approach.

  fr | it