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A new technique to view the brain activity of bodies in motion

The EU-funded TwinBrain project created an innovative technology to track brain activity as patients move within their surroundings. This not only deepens our understanding of the brain but also holds promise for treating neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease.

A new push for democracy

Protecting democratic values is essential, especially in 2024, in light of the upcoming European elections. Meet EU-funded initiatives ready to nurture, protect and strengthen democracy in Europe and beyond.

Putting gender equality at the centre of EU research

If integrating gender into your research may seem like a challenge, we’ve got you covered! Find out how to meet gender requirements when writing your grant proposal and discover your obligations under Horizon Europe – from Gender Equality Plans to the gender dimension in research.

Submit your proposal for the ERA Chairs and Excellence Hubs calls

The two calls for proposals will be open until 7 March 2024, with a joint available budget of €157 million. Learn more about the funding opportunities – from the available budget and indicative timeline to tips on how to build a successful application for your project.

Grant agreements for the European Excellence Initiative signed

12 projects will receive €54 million in funding under the European Excellence Initiative call. Their activity will start within the first quarter of 2024, raising excellence in science and knowledge valorisation in universities from Widening countries.

The EU-FarmBook online platform is ready to welcome practice-oriented materials!

Your one-stop shop for Horizon Europe content is now available! The platform will contain practical materials for farmers, foresters, advisors, and other rural stakeholders. Watch the recording of the pre-launch online event, offering insights for project coordinators, explores the platform's features and a glimpse into the future.

Are you applying for the 2024 Cluster 6 calls? Check out our Dos and Don’ts!

The calls for proposals close on 22 February. We have prepared a guide to help you avoid the most common mistakes when applying for funding, such as: confusing terms, output and impact, overwriting beyond the page limit or forgetting Human Resources protocols and the gender dimension in research. Apply the tools the European Commission offers and bring your proposal closer to success!

Tips and tools on how to make the most of your research

Do you want to learn more on how to communicate about your EU-funded project? We prepared a summary of tips and tools. Learn all about how to acknowledge EU funding, the difference between communication, dissemination and exploitation as well as data protection and GDPR.

135 new projects to begin their research

The projects are receiving €897 million in funding to contribute to the sustainable transformation of the EU economy in the areas of food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment. The projects will help reduce environmental degradation, halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity and better manage natural resources while ensuring food and water security.

New webinar ‘A Cloud for all - Accessing EU Cohesion Funds’

Learn how cultural heritage institutions can use EU Cohesion Funds to fast-track broadband, upgrade IT equipment, and boost IT skills training by watching the new webinar ‘A Cloud for all - Accessing EU Cohesion Funds’. Commission staff offers practical insights on accessing EU Cohesion Funds for Cultural Heritage Institutions and explains how you can get ready to apply for the next 2024 call for funding.

Enjoy top quality fruits and vegetables from Europe

By raising awareness on the high food safety standards and the quality of the European fruits and vegetables, the Mediterranean Combo campaign highlights the beneficial impact of integrating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables into your everyday diet. The campaign also aims to increase sales value in the markets of Greece, Spain, Germany, and Hungary. Seven producer organizations from Greece and one trade organization from Spain carry out the initiative. The EU contributes with €2.72 million.

Learn how you can enter the United States market

The recently published food and beverage market entry handbook is a step-by-step guide for agri-food producers planning for, or in the process of entering, the US market. It provides insights on different product categories, market access and market entry procedures, IP protection, as well as referrals to professional buyers, useful contacts, and tips on how to penetrate the US market.

Calls are open for the Promotion of Agricultural Products 2024 EU-funding

Looking to sell, promote, and export EU food around the globe? The European Commission launches two calls for proposals on the “Information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products”. The available budget to co-finance SIMPLE and MULTI campaigns amounts to €176.4 million. The deadline for submissions is 14 May 2024.

EU-funded projects strengthening democracy

In 2024, citizens will vote in the European Parliament elections. As Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said in her State of the Union address in September: ‘this is a time to decide on what kind of future and what kind of Europe we want’. Meet EU-funded initiatives ready to nurture, protect and strengthen democracy in Europe and beyond.

The new Arts and Mental Health Policy Brief

Did you know that the arts can be a powerful healing tool? In a new policy brief, six EU-funded projects looked at the role arts and culture play in people’s well-being, mental health, and inclusion. The Brief outlines challenges and ways to foster dialogue between researchers and policymakers, as well as puts forth policy recommendations.